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Jurnal Tucson red

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29 Maret 2010

Good morning I had a great weekend I went to a baby shower and I passed the test! There was plenty of food and I was and still am very proud of myself because I had plenty of chances to eat like a pig but instead I filled up on the fruit platter and veggies and water! And I made it about people and not food. And I did not feel like I was missing out on anything I had no desire to eat that junk I feel that my taste buds have really changed I started the Biggest Looser work out and OMG! I was sweating like I never have sweated before I loved it and I have the DVD for three weeks and I will have to recheck it out from the library and if I do see major results after these six weeks I will have to go out and buy it and add to my collection of workouts which I am now using they are no longer collecting dust! Hope you all have a blessed day
Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
96,2 kg 5,0 kg 30,4 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 1,3 kg dalam 1 minggu

25 Maret 2010

24 Maret 2010

Good morning all,
I am glad to have you as my friends even though we are from all over it feels good to read comments made on my journal and I love reading all of your journals they have helped me in so many ways! This is part two I am starting a new 6 weeks on my program and I have upped my exercise by 10% since I read that you should up your exercise and walking by 10% ever 6 weeks. I am still doing the total gym but I have added some different exercises that you can do on the total gym. I also rented the biggest looser work out from the library so I have it for three weeks and that is the work out I will do for the next three weeks then I will go on to Tae bo for three weeks and then back to my hip hop abs but this time I will try to do the level two work out by then I will be even stronger! I am excited this is the first time I have been excited about actually working out and you know this is the first time that I am not on some strict starving diet or just this diet and none of that diet I feel free with no limits and you know the funny thing is that for the first time since I have not put limits I don’t even crave junk food anymore I crave stuff like fruit and fish and veggies and a nice sweet potato baked in the oven its been forever since I have had a slice of bread and I don’t even miss it. I think it’s because I started just loving myself I have changed the way I speak about myself and it is changing my life! I wish you all the best and I hope you all have a blessed day! God be with you and remember (I N O) ITS NOT AN OPTION so get your butts out there and do what you need to do to reach your goal this is your year this is my year!

24 Maret 2010

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
97,1 kg 4,1 kg 31,3 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 0,5 kg dalam 1 minggu

23 Maret 2010

Good morning friends hope all are doing well I am doing well I am happy and blessed I am still going strong with my exercising and my eating right. I am not sure about any of you but for me I have noticed that when I conquer one battle there seems to be a million more over the hill. I have always had issues with my weight I have been on diets since I was about 12 years old. And for the first time in my life I feel that I have started to get this part under control I am sticking to my word I am working out even when I don’t feel like it because I am sticking to my (I N O) theory which means Its Not an Option every time I don’t feel like exercising or every time I feel like over eating. I will be darn if that old devil tries that same deck of cards on me over and over and I praise God that he has opened my eyes and answered my prayers for wisdom to know when I am getting darts of fire thrown at me I just ask that you all as my buddies keep me in prayer I am going through something’s that have nothing to do with my weight but I know I am more then a conquer because the bible says so! I hope you all have a blessed day! God be with you all.

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