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Jurnal Tucson red

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04 Mei 2010

I refuse to weigh myself I know my weight loss has been a very very slow process and that is ok the way I see it the slower the better why? because that means I am doing it right I am not doing any get slim quick diet where I eat like a rabbit and counting calories and carbs and la la la no I am just living life and eating less and more healthy the way I see it I have my whole life to do this I’m not in a hurry I don't have a special event coming up where I have to panic and try to fit into something that just wont fit. I am just living life and trying my best to get healthy and you know it’s rubbing off on my kids especially my daughter last night she told me you know mom I want to have goals to like you I want to get healthy and walk more and try to loose this weight. I told her no dieting baby just have a goal to be healthy and more physical and you will be surprised at how your body and mind will change for the best. I am happy that my kids can learn something positive from me that will be with them for the rest of there lives. LIFE IS TO SHORT LIVE LAUGH LOVE!

27 April 2010

19 April 2010

15 April 2010

I went to bed late last night I have upped my workout routine I am now working out in the evening and the morning I go walking only two times a week right now but that is going to have to change I will need to add more walking time at least 4 times a week will be good! But I am doing very well on the eating and self control I have more self control now then I ever had my whole life! I do not think about food all day any more and I do not run to food any more for comfort instead I read books listen to music clean my house or do a quick work out and my stress is gone and my waste line does not suffer for it. I am in the best relationship of my life this one is a happy one a real one I am not cheated on lied to or put down I am not hurt physically ok maybe a little beat up but in a good way why? Because I am in a relationship with my life my work outs my eating and yeah I get a little beat up with the exercise and pushing my self to the next level. I have this paper I pulled out of a magazine its an advertisement for walking shoes but all is shows is a woman tying her shoe and next to her it says "GET INTO A RELATIONSHIP WHERE YOU WON'T GET HURT. I always looked at it and still do I would say God I want that but how? And now I see I am in a relationship where I wont get hurt I am learning to be in love with myself not in a weird way but sometimes we are our worst enemies we put ourselves down we hate the way we look and have no problem pointing out all our flaws but once you change the way you speak about yourself you really do change your life I no longer look at what’s wrong with me I look at what’s right and I am sure to tell myself every day I am beautiful I am all these positive things because it is what I want for myself and if you claim it then it will come to pass by faith! Have a blessed day!
Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
95,3 kg 5,9 kg 29,5 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 0,4 kg dalam 1 minggu

15 April 2010

I went to bed late last night I have upped my workout routine I am now working out in the evening and the morning I go walking only two times a week right now but that is going to have to change I will need to add more walking time at least 4 times a week will be good! But I am doing very well on the eating and self control I have more self control now then I ever had my whole life! I do not think about food all day any more and I do not run to food any more for comfort instead I read books listen to music clean my house or do a quick work out and my stress is gone and my waste line does not suffer for it. I am in the best relationship of my life this one is a happy one a real one I am not cheated on lied to or put down I am not hurt physically ok maybe a little beat up but in a good way why? Because I am in a relationship with my life my work outs my eating and yeah I get a little beat up with the exercise and pushing my self to the next level. I have this paper I pulled out of a magazine its an advertisement for walking shoes but all is shows is a woman tying her shoe and next to her it says "GET INTO A RELATIONSHIP WHERE YOU WON'T GET HURT. I always looked at it and still do I would say God I want that but how? And now I see I am in a relationship where I wont get hurt I am learning to be in love with myself not in a weird way but sometimes we are our worst enemies we put ourselves down we hate the way we look and have no problem pointing out all our flaws but once you change the way you speak about yourself you really do change your life I no longer look at what’s wrong with me I look at what’s right and I am sure to tell myself every day I am beautiful I am all these positive things because it is what I want for myself and if you claim it then it will come to pass by faith! Have a blessed day!
Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
95,3 kg 5,9 kg 29,5 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 0,4 kg dalam 1 minggu

Sejarah Berat Badan Tucson red

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