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Jurnal Tucson red

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18 Maret 2010

Hello my friends well it is already Thursday wow the weeks are flying by so quick. I hope all of you are doing well! I am blessed I am blessed I am blessed!!! Nothing major happened to me but I woke up this morning and something got me in a bad mood and you know what I got to work and I turned on my computer and I put on my station which is K LOVE and my spirit just started to get calm and I started looking at my pictures of my kids (the reason I was in a bad mood this morning) LOL! And I almost wanted to cry because I started to realize that my life is normal wow! No drama which if you were to know how my life has been since I was a kid well this is a big huge thing for me. So I said why be upset why be mad I am in a much better place right now in my life because on my worst day now is like walking on the beach compared to what my life was like before. So today I will not write about my weight or how much I lost but I just want to write about how blessed I am because I am alive I am free I am not sick I can walk on my own talk on my own see hear and I know I belong to the most high God and if he is with us then whom shall we fear? No one and nothing not even the fear of failure because fear is not of God and his word says we are more then conquers. So we will not fail!

17 Maret 2010

I cant believe it another pound that is awesome and some how I don’t think it is water weight because that is usually the first thing you loose in the beginning of a diet or weight loss program and I have been doing this for 6 weeks I really think it is pounds with all the fruit and veggies I am eating and I have not had bread in the longest time or pasta not that I have written it off I just to have the urge to eat that stuff I crave fruit and veggies and fish which I bought some and make me a piece at least once or twice a week. I feel wonderful my skin is clearing up my hair is getting longer and stronger and looks shiny. I have more energy and I just feel good all around I feel like I am over the first big hump in this course and I am getting closer to the finish line closer then I think.
Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
97,5 kg 3,6 kg 31,8 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 3,2 kg dalam 1 minggu

16 Maret 2010

I lost another pound I realize something that it has taken me 6 weeks of hard work and a total change in my eating habits to actually start loseing weight and you know what that is amazing to me because people want to see results in like a week or a few days and if they dont get the results they were expecting they give up and when I say they I mean me too. I have never given anyting 6 weeks to work I always give up mid way because I dont see what I want. But this time I just went for it and told myself over and over again it takes 6 weeks just to start to see a change and now I am shocked when I get on the scale I have been losing about a pound a day thats crazy! but even if the scale stops moving I will not get discouraged because I continue to loose inches and like I said before to me that is more important! so to all of my Fat Secret buddies keep going forward and stay strong for what lies ahead we might not be where we want to be but we are doing something about it and being aware will get us to where we want to be in time. Its a life change so change your life!
Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
98,0 kg 3,2 kg 32,2 kg Cukup Baik
   (1 komentar) Kehilangan 3,2 kg dalam 1 minggu

15 Maret 2010

Good morning friends hope all of you did well on the weekend because I know that most of us can keep our eating routines during the week but it’s something about the weekend that messes us up. I have started making a mon-fri eating routine and a Saturday - Sunday routine that way I stick to the schedule no matter what day it is. I am also exercising every day no days off. I change it up one day its the total gym the next day its a work out video right now its hip hop abs but since I have a library of work out vides from all the years of buying the one magic video that would work for me I can change it up which is cool because I don’t get board doing just one video. I am also sticking to my grocery list when I go to the store if it’s not on the list I don’t get it and I don’t add it. I have switched to sweet potatoes and little red potatoes instead of regular ones and whole wheat products for pasta and rice and my kids do not even know the difference. I have continued to stick to the menu plan and it is working wonders I am now in my 6th week and you know I really can tell the difference I did not loose 20 pounds or I do not look like a model but I have lost major inches and that actually feels better then looking at the number on the scale since you know that muscle actually weighs more then fat. Well Good Luck to you all this week and stay strong! Remember its a life change dont put a limit on when you will be done!

15 Maret 2010

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
98,4 kg 2,7 kg 32,7 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 0,5 kg dalam 1 minggu

Sejarah Berat Badan Tucson red

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