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Jurnal Tucson red

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05 April 2010

Good morning I hope you all had a happy safe Easter! I had lots of fun and I was a good girl I went to the park prepared I took my own ice chest filled with fruit and veggies and I took a gallon of water I drank water all day I ate my fruit all day and then I had one plate with grilled chicken I used a regular spoon to serve a scoop of potato salad and macaroni salad and that was it. I was so full from the fruit that when I ate I felt very full and then I got sick im not sure if I may have had too much fruit or if it was the salads I had since I have not had any pasta or mayo for a while I don’t know but I still woke up sick this morning and was in the restroom most of the night!!!!! But that’s ok I know it was not because I over ate because I did very well! I woke up this morning and did my work out and it felt good this is the first time in my life I am actually sticking to my new life plan and it is finally paying off! Hope you all have a wonderful day. God Bless!

02 April 2010

HAPPY GOOD FRIDAY wow the weeks seem to be flying by! MY pants are loose!!! That is such a good feeling I love it and even though I am feeling sick this morning I still worked out my stomach was killing me. I had to wake up at 4:00am so I could have enough time to work out and get to work by 6 am. It was not hard since my neighbors decided that 2am was a perfect time to start to party so there music was so so loud it woke me up. After being woken up like that it’s kind of hard to get back to sleep. I woke up at 4:00 am yesterday too. Its hard being a single parent I come in earlier on the days they don’t have school so I can get out earlier. Its days like these where I feel run down and that’s when the enemy wants to start messing with my mind and thoughts HE wants me to feel stressed and start to feel depressed because I am alone and doing everything on my own with no help from anyone. BUT I do not choose to feel that way today! yes I am tired yes I am alone and yes I do everything with out any help from the kids dad and any help from my family but you know what none of that matters because my strength comes from the LORD! He is all the help I need he lifts me up and holds on tight never letting go even when I feel alone I am not! I choose to be Happy today because I am alive my kids are alive we are healthy and safe! I choose not to eat my feeling! My situation has never been better! There are giants in the field but I am David and all the giants will be taken down one at a time!!!! God bless you all and be good this weekend don't eat too much! HAPPY EASTER!

01 April 2010

01 April 2010

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31 Maret 2010

Sejarah Berat Badan Tucson red

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