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18 Agustus 2010

Dear Erin,

5 days is NOT a plateau. Yes, you've increased your caloric intake to about 1400/day from ~1150 a day, but that doesn't prove that eating a bit more is counterproductive to your goal. You KNOW that eating under 1200 a day for over a month probably damaged your metabolism a bit, so when you introduced new calories, it's entirely possible that your body has needed a few days to adjust and take note of the changes. You're also on your TOM, which affects this stuff as well. You've been going to the gym and working harder everyday there, drinking water, watching your sodium and still, you're 183. You *want* to give up because you're frustrated, but here are some reasons you shouldn't:

1) If you give up, you won't have this energy, or this glow, or this lighter feeling that you've had the past 2-3 weeks since your body has adjusted to whole foods.

2) If you give up, you're going to lose the muscle you've gained, and the endurance you've built up from your hard work at the gym!

3) If you give up, you're either dooming yourself to see 183 again, or to never be as low as 183 again! Once your body decides it's ready, you're going to see 180, 170, 160. You have a choice to make whether you want to see this stupid number ever again or not.

So, don't give up. 1400-1500 calories a day is not enough to maintain your weight, so you are going to lose when it's time. Go to the gym today, keep eating what you've been eating and trust the math. And when you're done that, march into that bathroom and apologize for all the horrible things you said to the scale this morning!


16 Agustus 2010

The second 21 Days Progress Report!

So a month ago, I did a 21 day progress report, and since my rotations for work will be 21 days in/out, it makes sense to keep it that way as months are about to become pretty irrelavent to me, and I can't weigh myself while in camp (which is probably a good thing, because I'll have more reason to jump for joy when I get home!)

So, here are my results for the second leg of my weight loss experience:

Starting Dress Size: 16
July 28 Dress size: 14
August 16 Dress size: 12 (32 jeans)

Starting weight July 6th: 200.5
July 28 weight: 191
August 16 weight: 183

Total loss: 17.5 pounds

Average calories per day (July): 1260
Average calories per day (August): 1272

Average nutrient ratio C/F/P(July): 46/32/22
Average nutrient ratio C/F/P(August): 35/34/31

Starting Measurements
Bust July 6th: 42
Bust August 16: 40

Waist July 6th: 36
Waist August 16th: 32

Hips July 6th: 47
Hips August 16th: 45

So there we have it. It's funny how frustrated with how 'slow-going' the weight loss was, especially the past few weeks, only to realize that I've been on this new way of eating and exercising for 42 days and lost 17.5 pounds, which is 2.9 pounds a week and 8.7% of my starting body weight! That's actually substantial, and the best part of it for me was how easy it was, and how I don't plan to ever stop eating and exercising this way, but someday I will eat more to stall the weight loss. I was hoping to hit the 20 pound mark before I go up north next week, but I don't really care now. I can't ask for it to be more rapid than what I've acheived so far, and the numbers will keep going down as long as I keep going the way I've been. And I want them to stay off so I understand it's a lengthy process. These next ten pounds will be exciting as I haven't been under 175 in over 6 years, and that was through starvation dieting, and only lasted about a week or two! It will be cool to see what that feels like with muscle and energy.

The increase in calories this past week as decided after talking to some smart successful people on here hasn't yet proven effective in losing at the same rate, but it's also that time of the month which sets everything off. I would be happy to lose at 2 pounds a week for now anyway, and the calorie increase would bring it down to about that anyway.

A positive of that increase though has been increased energy and focus, and the ability over the past week to have a balanced number of macronutrients, something that used to be quite hard for me, but I like to see it. And with the energy has come the excitement and drive to work out and build muscle, which is very positive as well.

Just thought I'd update my journal with the non-scale part of my progress. Also, I went to Bed Bath and Beyond the other day and bought a rolling pin (with which I made spelt pasta, to a questionable degree of success) and a brand-new, heavy shiny wonderful frying pan which I've been using liberally the past few days! It has such gorgeous heat distribution. I'm a total cooking geek nowadays, haha.

My mini-goal was to hit 180 by the 25th, which might happen, but I'm ok if it doesn't. I am aiming to be 160 by Halloween, when I go see my boyfriend. He hasn't seen me since I was over 200, so it might be a bit of a shock for him. A good one, I'm hoping. Being 160 in 10 weeks would require losing 23 pounds, which may not be doable. I would be happy to be 170 by halloween. Since my body has never been 160 since being in junior high, I expect that the weight after 175 is going to come off noticeably slower. That might not be the case, but that's what I'm inclined to think!

Do you guys think my final goal of 145 is reasonable by New Years? I don't want to obsess over deadlines and goals, but it is nice to have something to look to in the future. Would be 19 weeks for 38 pounds, or exactly 2 pounds per week.

edit: OH, and here is a pic from today in my 32 jeans, which I haven't worn since Oct 2009!

14 Agustus 2010

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
83,0 kg 6,8 kg 19,5 kg Cukup Baik
   (2 komentar) berat badan stabil

13 Agustus 2010

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
83,0 kg 6,8 kg 19,5 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 1,1 kg dalam 1 minggu

12 Agustus 2010

Thanks for your kind words on my last entry about my uncle! I am feeling okay, worried about my dad and how he's taking the loss but that's alright, he's tough.

A few weight related things to report: I upped my calorie intake from ~1200 to ~1500 on the advice of some members who helped me realize I was eating too little. I hope the extra calories will help push me along in my workouts as well. I did C25K for the first time in a week yesterday and it was rough. Well, that might be due in part that since I was so stressed and pissed off about work, I ran about a mile beforehand without stopping to blow off some steam! It worked, by the time I got home I had forgotten all about it! Going tonight to see if I can do a repeat performance. I haven't taken measurements in awhile as I hadn't been working out as much with my shoulder being sore (It's all better now!!!), but my clothes are fitting a bit better.

Life has been all about work lately, I have so much to do at work it's hard to even start delving into it. I've got a to-do list I'm working on because having one increases my efficiency so much. I'm at work 12 hours a day, how is it that anyone has a social life?! If I had a family or needy friends I'd probably have exploded by now!

I set out to talk about weight loss and ended up talking about work. Argh. :P Suffice to say all is well and I feel very comfortable with the extra caloric intake, for now.

Sejarah Berat Badan erin74kr

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