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06 Agustus 2010

Few things to mention today that are on the forefront of my mind:

- Getting nervous about going back up north. To explain, I work for a mining company whose mine site is in the south west corner of the Northwest Territories. I use the term south loosely, it's damn cold up there! It's also beautiful. Anyway, I was here at head office in Vancouver for the last nine months, and will be going back up on August 25th. The rotation is 3 weeks in camp, then 3 weeks out of camp on days off. It's actually pretty sweet, but the nerves are kicking in about the fact that I won'tbe able to prepare my own food (though the cooks are really great about providing a lot of options), and I won't have a scale (can only bring in 25 pounds on the plane). So progress will have to be measured through tape measure only. I am bringing my laptop so I'll be able to do 30DS though, and I'll be continuing to count calories as best I can manage. Luckily, though sadly because he is awesome, my midnight chocolate devouring buddy isn't going to be returning, so that'll help matters on the calorie counting front!

- Last weekend, some acquaintances of mine were in a tour van heading to a show in San Francisco when the driver fell asleep and ran off the road. One person died. :( This morning, my boyfriend was driving home from work and also fell asleep and ran off the road. He was ok, the truck isn't. Please, everyone, be careful and please take a break if you feel like you're getting too tired to continue driving. I know it's hard when you're almost there or you dont have money for a hotel, but this week is a prime example of how important it is to be rested.

- I woke up this morning unable to move my neck and right shoulder area without a lot of pain. My neck was sore yesterday but I did a workout anyway, I hope I didn't overdo it and cause this. I have been taking muscle pain pills and applying A535 and it seems to be better than this morning. It could be a result of sleeping in a bad position. I hope that's what it is, I don't want an injury. I'm going to take it easy until I get a full range of motion back in my neck and shoulders.

- My goal for the end of August is 180. It's 6 pounds, or 2 pounds per week. I think this is doable, and would actually put me exactly where I was when I left the mine site last October. Pretty weird how that worked out.

06 Agustus 2010

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
84,4 kg 5,4 kg 20,9 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar berat badan stabil

05 Agustus 2010

This website makes me sad sometimes, and it's because I get frustrated seeing people making bad health choices, but also knowing that I was exactly the same way no more than a year ago. It's so hard to know what's healthy and correct when diet marketing is throwing quick fixes and uneducated programs at you left and right. And charging tons for it so you feel like it must be the best and most informed path, or else they wouldn't be able to get away with charging so much. Turns out, it's just that people don't know what to do, and they prey on that by promising quick results.

I still suffer from wanting quick results. This first month, I lost 14.5 pounds or 3.6 pounds a week. Which is rapid and considered not healthy, and maybe it isn't. I could probably afford to eat a few more hundred calories than the 1200 I stay at now. But I feel so great, and I don't feel deprived, and all sources consider it healthy, so I do it. Mostly because I want to see the scale lower and lower.

I wish I had known when I was 18 that it really was as easy as counting calories and being more active. I always thought of weight loss being like saving money. If you save 20 dollars a pay, you end up with savings. But you end up with more savings if you save 200 dollars a pay, so why not? I felt that way about weight loss. Eating 500 calories is better than 800, which is better than 1000, because it was simple math. The problem being that our bodies aren't bank accounts, and we don't deprive our cars of fuel in order to save money, because then the car doesn't work. Lots of analogies today. :P Point being, I never got any of this, until this attempt. But on this site there are so many that still do, and who don't really want to believe that they could eat more, and not be miserable and get better results. I was the same way. This is frustrating.

I'm not a success story yet, but I feel like one. I can't really imagine wanting to feel as lethargic and helpless as I was before I started eating mindfully. I wish one of these gorgeous young celebrities would come out and say that eating whole foods and exercising and cooking for yourself is the key to being healthy, instead of these diet fads, but there's no paid endorsement from the American Farm Association or anything, is there?

Sigh, just wanted to vent about that. :P

04 Agustus 2010

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
84,4 kg 5,4 kg 20,9 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 4,8 kg dalam 1 minggu

03 Agustus 2010

I've been working a LOT (it was a long weekend, I was in the office ALL weekend) and the stress has made it difficult to eat. A strange phenomenon as stress has always made me eat, but now that I've cut out most bread and processed food it doesn't happen anymore. Maybe carb cravings flare up in times of stress when you're used to ingesting a lot of them. I do cook an adequate amount of calories but it's been hard to eat them. Maybe I'll prepare a larger amount of calories (using more fat, nuts, etc) and see if that gets me closer to 1200 today. It's hard to think about/plan food when I don't have a lot of money currently and I've got a to-do list a mile long, but I'm glad it hasn't led me to any poor choices. Weight is still going down at a staggered pace. Usually I hit a low, and it stays exactly there for about a week and then a sudden 2 pound loss. 2 pounds a week works for me, but these 10 are coming off much slower than the first 10. That's to be expected I suppose!

I found out my wonderful boyfriend of two years, who I love more than anyone ever, is supposed to be on blood pressure meds but he doesn't take them because they make him feel 'weird'. He says he takes them when its close to a doctor's appointment and that's it. He's 6'7" and over 400 pounds, and though I feel that's probably unhealthy (especially if at 29 he has to worry about blood pressure meds), I love him just the way he is. But knowing I want to spend the rest of my life with him, I hope that when we live together (he lives in Texas, I live in Vancouver), I can help inspire healthier choices and exercise, not to change how he looks because I love everything about him, but to make him feel better and give him a better energy level. When I went there for three months last year, I gained 40 pounds because I often emulate my boyfriends' appetites. Just want him with me as long as I can.

Anyway, it's time to go to work. Sorry I haven't been around much, it's kind of been crazy around here. I hope I'll finally get some free time tonight to read your journals and comment on them! Hope everyone is doing ok!
Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
85,0 kg 4,8 kg 21,5 kg Cukup Baik
   (3 komentar) Kehilangan 1,6 kg dalam 1 minggu

Sejarah Berat Badan erin74kr

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