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22 Agustus 2010

Day 1 of Week 4 of C25K is complete!!! Wow, I really thought I would have to do Week 3 over again, running at 5mph for 5 minutes sounded so ridiculously out of my scope of ability. But I did it, and it actually wasn't that hard. There were a few times that I wanted to 'cheat' and slow down a bit, but I ended up pushing it through to the end. Pretty proud of myself actually.

What I love about the C25K program is that it gives you structure. Yuo don't think you can do what it tells you, but then you try it and you can. It eliminates the "I can't do this, I'm going to die" mentality that I always had before without the structure, when I was just running freely. I didn't have a reference point that said "hey, look, other people have done exactly this, you can do this." I really love it. When I go up to work, there is a gym I can run laps in. It's going to be much more boring and hard to stick to, but I think I'll keep it going.

I am at work right now, trying to finish a project that's supposed to be done tomorrow. My motivation at this, when there's only 5 days left in this position, is minimal at best. Better get back to it. Hope everyone's having a lovely Sunday! :)

21 Agustus 2010

Pic post!

Got a haircut today! I am quite happy with how it turned out:

Also, here is the expensive jacket I shouldn't have bought on thursday but it made me feel too pretty to not buy :) I noticed after I took a pic that my bra is showing, ignore that. lol.

Today has been kind of a detox because my body pretty much rejected the chinese food from yesterday. Guess two months of eating natural, unprocessed food and no complex sugars made my body completely unwelcoming to the old food. Scary. Makes me wonder what I've put in my body in the past and what damage it might have done. My lunch was quite simple, but a sprinkling of sea salt and pepper made it absolutely delicious. This pic is from a few days ago, but today's was similar.

Interesting that before I started all this, I was never full. Full was when I was physically unable to put another bite in my mouth without my stomach hurting. Now, when I finish what I've allotted for myself, I am satisfied. My stomach never hurts after I eat, and I never feel cravings for seconds or a need to go back to the refrigerator. It feels like magic but I guess it's just a matter of having adequate nutrition.

I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend. :)

21 Agustus 2010

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
83,0 kg 6,8 kg 19,5 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar berat badan stabil

20 Agustus 2010

It's funny how perception can change everything. Yesterday, I'd lost inches and I went shopping and tried on a billion Mad Men-esque dresses. I was so happy at how small my waist looked and that I had curves. This morning I feel like a huge shapeless thing. Scale said 186 when I stepped on, then the second time it said 183.5. I'm past wanting to give up now, the benefits of this lifestyle are way too many to give up (my hair is shiny again, my skin is so soft and clear, I can see definition in my neck and shoulders, I'm sleeping normally now, I have endless energy without caffeine), but I worry I'm doing something critical wrong.

I'm starting to read too many websites about 'the proven way to lose weight' when I know the proven way is what I'm doing. About carb cycling and spike days and etc. I don't really want to do any of that, it should work, what I'm doing, right? Less calories in, more calories burned. When I looked at other people's food diaries when they're talking about a plateau earlier this month, I immediately thought "oh, they aren't recording everything, they've eaten more than what they should have, they've overestimated their exercise". Thing is, I weigh everything I eat. So I know it's not that. It's scary to reach a stall the week before I have to be without a scale for 3 weeks.

My first instinct is to lower my calories again. In my mind, I reason it as "the people who gave me advice have been working out a year or more, so they have more muscle and burn more calories at rest, so what they do isn't going to work for me"; then I think about the extra energy I've had to work out this week since I've upped them, and I wonder if the race to be under 180 is worth losing this incredible energy I've had. I don't even know why this is so important to me, the number. I have a boyfriend whose loved me at 180, 190, 200, 215. He's never treated me different. Isn't what I wanted more energy and a more regulated sleep pattern? Isn't that what I've gotten? Argh.

I guess we're all a bit superficial no matter how much we think we aren't. I may bring it down 100 calories or so a day, not that it makes that much of a difference, and see how it goes. I'm kind of scared to make any changes at this point, but I'm also discouraged. I also thought if maybe I start doing more cardio and forgo strength, that would jolt it out of it's stubborn rut, but I love the way doing strength makes me feel. When I started I could only do 5 pound weights working on my upper body, and now I can do 10 pounds.

I'm not feeling very strong today..

19 Agustus 2010

The saga of the unmoving scale continues this morning, but i did measurements yesterday and lost an inch from my bust and my hips! My hips and thighs are the areas id love to shrink the most so i couldnt care less about the scale this morning, to be honest! This is a positive aspect of going up north where there will be no scale. Less discouragement. My boobs are getting smaller, but not in a bad way. Ive been a B in my regular weighted days, but when i gain weight i have to wear bigger bras. I think theyre losing the extra fat that made them look, to me, weird. I am almost out of pants to move down in sizes to, when i come back to the city september 15th, i think a shopping trip is in order. :) hope everyone is feeling as motivated as i am this morning! :)

edit: Also, I forgot to mention that I tried out that pocket yoga program for my iPad that k8yk mentioned on her journal, it was really great! I did a beginner desert program . HAving never done yoga, I was frustrated that I couldn't do the downward facing dog pose with my feet flat, but I googled it after and read that it was common when your hamstrings aren't loosened up, which apparently happens if you do enouhg yoga! So, I'm a convert. The deep breathing was unbelievably relaxing too, I can't wait to do it again!

Sejarah Berat Badan erin74kr

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