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17 Juni 2011


I hope everyone has had a productive week. I have done pretty well but it has been a tough one. I am on day 5 of my headache and no end in sight. Lucky for me I have been able to work in a diet cherry pepsi (honestly, soda caffeine is the only caffeine that hits the headache, coffee never works for me) and still lose a bit, whew!

I am really working on getting into a good groove of exercise and doing my therapy like I am supposed to. I need to do daily eye exercises and balance ball exercises and just haven't done them, NO EXCUUSES, just haven't done them. So I have a daily calendar to keep me on track and getting my work done.

No real plans this weekend. Some tentative plans for Sunday with my dad and brothers which will be nice.

I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend, enjoy..........

15 Juni 2011

14 Juni 2011

So I am sitting here with a headache for the second day in a row. I walked both days and I am thinking it is from the heat.

I am also VERY emotional. I am not changing my eating plan but I have given up on losing weight. I have followed Atkins to a T and have lost 10lbs in 4 weeks, mostly all the first week. I lost this much on my own in two weeks in January.

I have given up anything sweet: diet cherry pepsi, SF jello, Atkins products. I have upped my fats, calories, and protein, all to no avail, nothing changes, my weight stays the same.

I will ocntinue to eat as if I am on Atkins because I feel sooo much better, but I will allow myself to have my diet cherry pepsi as needed for headaches, I am really tired of the headaches.

I am just so frustrated feeling that Atkins doesn't really work for me. I have eating as told, exercised, and read everything I can on it and I am flustered feeling that I have failed yet again.....

12 Juni 2011


So this morning my weight bounced back up to 229. I don't consider it a gain since I have been bouncing for a week now. I am trying not to be frustrated and to focus on how I feel. But.........uuugggg

I am trying to walk everyday despite what the scale tells me. I seem to go up to 229 the day after I walk which is making me feel I would do better to not walk but the walking makes me feel great so I am not giving it up. I will be adding resistance bands this week with my balance ball to work on my balance and coordination. I also want to add some more cardio but I have to remind myself I had a stroke 4 months ago and my body is still healing and I have to remember to make sure my body is ready for more.

Yesterday I wasn't too hungry so my protein was low, actually everything was low. The best thing was I had pre-planned an Atkins bar as a treat but when it came time to eat it, I didn't want it. Who would have thought I would pass on chocolate? So that was a win for me to sse my tastes have changed. I did however have a shake for breakfast but that was because I couldn't bring myself to eat, just felt ucky and figured atleast I would have something in my system.

So, I am going to start today having smaller meals more often during the day to shake up my metabolism and see if I can get the right amount of food in without feeling stuffed.

I am thinking I should take my measurements again but it has only been a month since I started and it seems like it's too soon.

Anyway, I need to quiet my mind and focus on how my body is feeling. I really need to stop focusing on the weight but I can't since I HAVE to lose the weight medically to get my hemoglobin and triglycerides lowered to get back to a healthy place. But this is my own fault since I did it to myself.......

Hopefully you all have a super Sunday, enjoy!!

11 Juni 2011

Sejarah Berat Badan danawiesner

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