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Jurnal windrider

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29 Maret 2011

I have been taking the drink more water challenge serious. I drink over a gallon a day. My new theme song should be cry me a river, or is that pee me a river. Argh Nature calls again. Lucky or unluckily my office is right beside the bathroom. LOL Just thought I'd be random again. Work is dull today.

My dull work day did get more interesting when I got home. My lazy but forgot to unload the dish washer last night so I ate supper, started loading dirty into the dishwasher and realized my mistake. I started pulling dishes back out and my daughter came to mind. She never puts her clothes away or separates dirty and clean. Her idea of figuring out what is clean it to sniff test them. I took one look at that and said no way and stuck them all in the washer. Yuck (she's 13)

So here I am "sniff testing and eyeing" my dishes. No way, I won't be my daughter. They can all get rewashed. I need to get a life besides the Army, college, and dieting. I am really finding to much humor in being lazy:) lol

28 Maret 2011

I ran this morning on the treadmill. It was the first time I ran in a week and a half since I had been on vacation. I set the treadmill at 6 mph thinking it was going to be to fast like it normally is, and wow. I felt comfortable at that pace for the first time. I had to recheck the treadmill to make sure I was really at 6. I thought I pushed the buttons wrong. Usually I start at 5.5 and work my way up. I did a mile and half in 15 minutes. I didn't want to push to much since I hadn't run for a while. Will wonders never cease. I am surprised and pleased that I did alright since I have a pt test next month and have to make the 2 mile run in 22 minutes 42 seconds to pass. I am shooting for 18 or 19 minutes. Now if I can just shed 10 more pounds I won't have to get taped. I know 10 lbs by 20 April is a lofty goal. I'll be happy with a couple more lbs at least.

This is totally random, but I forgot my plastic flatware. I am going to have to eat my food using celery as a spoon. It is going to be interesting when I get to my sauercraut, soup, yogurt, and cottage cheese. Adapt and overcome. LOL

28 Maret 2011

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
67,4 kg 3,8 kg 3,9 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 0,4 kg dalam 1 minggu

27 Maret 2011

26 Maret 2011

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