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Jurnal AlyssaWannabe

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03 Agustus 2011

03 Agustus 2011

02 Agustus 2011

02 Agustus 2011

Oh. Em. Gee.

I pigged out for about 7 days. It was ridiculous.

I think that I'm back to being INTERESTED in losing weight, and not COMMITTED to losing weight. And there is a big difference.

I'm ready to get committed again, but it's so much harder now that I'm in a healthy weight range than it was 50, 60, 70+ pounds ago. Now I see junk food, I think,

"Whatever. I'm not fat anymore." instead of "That's not healthy, so I shouldn't eat it in excess, especially because I'm not at my goal weight/size quite yet."

I'm working on it though, and have come up with my idea of a cleanse.

And no, there is nothing extreme involved in my "cleanse", it's just going to be 21 Days of no junk food. And my idea of junk food is chips and cookies.

Today is Day 1 of my "cleanse".

So far, here's what I've eaten:

breakfast- oatmeal with peanut butter
morning snack- small banana, almonds

As you can see, that's FOOD, not JUNK. I'm pretty stoked about this plan, and will keep you all up to date. Basically, I'm going to try to eat more cleanly and more whole foods, and cut out the crap for 21 days. Then it's back to 70-80% whole, 20-30% whatever.

I just need a break from junk for 21 days, to try to get out of the habit.

28 Juli 2011

Sejarah Berat Badan AlyssaWannabe

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