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23 Juli 2010

21 Juli 2010

Okay, bodybugg full day review.

First, it takes a while to adjust to the arm band. Either it feels too tight, or it moves around. After a while though, I managed to forget it was there... until I'd move it, or when I did my cardio - then it was irritating. (Kind of like a paper cut that you forget until you get soap in it.)

Total calories burned for the day, 3359.
One thing I found weird... the recommendation is to wear your armband 23 hours a day, giving your skin an hour to breathe. However, if you enter your "normal" sleep time into the questionnaire, it will not record your actions during this time. As I'm a constant up and downer, and rarely fall asleep when I say i'm going to, I circumvented this by making my nightly sleep from 2 am to 2:30 am =). The 3359 includes a 25 minute cardio video tape (the biggest loser workout), a 35 minute stationary bike ride, my normal daily baby chasing and house cleaning activities, and the fact that on wednesday nights I go out with my friends, which is a fairly active event. I'd say it seems "about" right.

I find just wearing the bugg motivates me to move around more. How long that lovely effect will last, I do not know - but it definitely is working for now. Knowing that I am going to see the numbers, high or low, was always in the back of my head today, getting me to push a little harder, or move around when I didn't really need too. (Extra benefit... my house is even cleaner than normal! =).)

I still detest the website. It is not user friendly, the commands are scattered all over the place... you enter meals one way, but to edit them you use a whole different system... there's a graph that you need to highlight correctly before you can enter your "off body" time, and that's strange. And as I said before, both the food and exercise options are extremely limited. The food options at least allow you to enter your own, although I see little point, since at this point I've entered everything I eat into fat secret, but I will continue to use it for a few more days, because I want a chance to see how I feel about their nutritional graphs. (That is the only plus I can see... unlike fatsecret, where you are limited in the amount of factors you can have show up on your chart, all of the nutritional items they use show up, with bar graphs showing your relation to the daily rdi... however, that's limited... they track fiber, but not sugars or other carbs. they track fat and saturated fat, but not trans. etc etc.) Entering activities for the off body time is EXTREMELY limited, and there is no option for "other" that I have found yet. For example, shower is not even an option..which you think would be, seeing as you cannot wear the bugg under water. =).

Overall however, I'm getting exactly what I want... a concept of how many calories i'm burning... and not just daily, but the graph can break it down to the minute for you, once you figure out how to use it...so I can rate things like if I pushed myself harder in my boot camp today than 2 days ago... and a reason to feel accountable to myself, as I've found that after 6 months of constant self-motivation, I've really been lagging in the last month or two.

Will it make an overall difference in my weight loss, I do not know. I have the free membership until January, so until at least then, I will continue to test it. Since I lost about 43 pounds in the first 6 months of my lifestyle change... if I lose even 20 in the next 6 months (its always harder after the initial weight and the initial bad habits are broken) - I will consider it a worthwhile investment! =)

20 Juli 2010

Did a mini-test of the bodybugg, as I won't actually be able to rate calories burned per day until my first full day - tomorrow. I specifically tested it using my stationary bike for multiple reasons... 1 being its the only equipment I own that gives me an independent estimate of calories burned, and 2 it's reported that the bodybugg is LEAST accurate with items like stationary bike in which only your legs are moving...and 3, that's the cardio i was going to do today anyway. Later, I also have a 20 minute workout video (level 1 of the Biggest Loser Workout) scheduled, so maybe I'll add an addendum to this review later. Here's how the math stands up...

264.. what the bodybugg says I burnt during the 40 minute period I was working out.
242.. what my bike says. Mind you, there is no age/weight/height input on my bike, or heart rate monitor..its a cheap bike that bases calories on an estimate of speed * time.
205 or 376... what my calorie burn website would tell me on either very light or light effort... although I was going no less than 25 mph the entire time.

I know the bike does not take into account your normal bmr, so I always assume it's read-outs are a little low, although that is what I usually record anyway. I'm shocked both by house close the bodybugg and the bike are to each other, with the bikes technology being from the "stone-age" so to speak and to see how far off the calorie-burn estimator is... since it is based on weight input and was the one I used all this time... I do not know for positive that the bodybugg count includes my bmr, but I would assume it does, since it measures all the calories burned daily. So, that stinks. My website has been amazingly wrong. =).

I get the feeling, at the very least, this is going to help with the weight loss in that now that the numbers are lower (i was using the site on "general" effort, which is 150 calories higher than light effort!!!) I'm going to want to move around more to push them up higher. =)

20 Juli 2010

Bodybugg arrived. Check.
Battery almost dead as far as I can tell..although the meter is not really very "useful"..green for more than 24 hours, amber for less than 24 hours, red for to dead to work. Mine was on amber when I plugged it in.

Step One...remove bugg from armband. This only took me about 5 minutes. Probably would have been faster if I'd found the instructions in the book, but I was busy reading the "how to get started" page, which did NOT state that the serial number was on the bugg, or how to remove it.

Step Two - register at website. Still in the process, as everytime I enter my user name and password and get a step or two in, it goes back to the main "home" page and I have to start over.

(10 minutes later)

Step Three - looks like 4 questionaires to be filled out. Will go proceed with them.

Over all, so far, it's taken half an hour to set this up, and I haven't started the questionaires yet. Also, have found that it does not seem to function well in google chrome, and have switched back to firefox for the meantime.

20 Juli 2010

Sejarah Berat Badan confusedangel

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