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Jurnal angelheart712

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08 Desember 2010

25 November 2010

I had a wonderful day with my family. What a blessing. Didn't do so well sticking to a diet, but I didn't do as bad as I have done in past years either. So it's not a total bust. We had a non traditional Thanksgiving meal today because we will have MUCH more family here next weekend and we will have an even bigger Thanksgiving/Christmas meal at that time with Turkey and all the trimmings. Today my husband cooked chicken fried steak. He makes it better than anyone I know or any restraunt I've ever been too. But I haven't eaten anything fried in several months now so I knew better than to over indulge in it. I actually only at a few bites, but it was very good. I'm afraid I did a small helping of everything else I made and of course I had desert. I ate a rather large piece of homemade sweetpotato pie with marshmallow meringue. I'm sure I will regret it when I weight, but I've got to admit it was rather yummy.
Well tomorrow is another day and I will get right back on program.
Hope everyone had a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving!

20 November 2010

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
101,1 kg 16,9 kg 33,5 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 1,1 kg dalam 1 minggu

13 November 2010

What a week! It's been a busy one and I'm glad it's over. I had an unexpected surgery on Wednesday. I had a cyst on my back for about the past 2 or 3 years. It had always been very small and didn't really bother me until last weekend, then it began to become sore. By Wednesday morning when I work up I was in severe pain. They cyst had become huge and was not only very painful, but very red and hot. I made an appt to have it removed. Neither the doctor or I thought it would be any big deal to remove it in the office....until we were mid way through the procedure. I was much larger that he thought it would be and it was somehow wrapped around the muscle. It took him about an hour to get it out. Poor guy broke out in a sweat and had to have the nurse leave and turn down the A/C so that he could finish the procedure.

Now I am happy to have it gone, but still in pain at times with the incision and stitches. And it has been keeping me from getting very much sleep, because I will forget and turn over and then suddenly wake up because it pulled. OUCH!

I went back to work today, but couldn't wear a bra because of where the stitches are. It made me feel a little strange to work without feeling fully dressed, but I wore and undershirt, my scrub top and a labcoat to make sure I was plenty covered up.

13 November 2010

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
102,1 kg 15,8 kg 34,6 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 0,7 kg dalam 1 minggu

Sejarah Berat Badan angelheart712

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