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14 Oktober 2008

13 Oktober 2008

Still staying the same today from yesterday but that's OK. I still feel good about things. When the weight has flown off in the past it has only resulted in it being put back on in a similar hurry so I think that steady and slower is better if it means that it stays off for longer. I am in the 14's now as opposed to the 15's when I began this so my next target in my head is to get into the 13's which is sooooo much closer to my target. My stomach and belly feels much, much more flatter this week which is a nice change. For the past 2 years I have been used to it being very distended and prominent. It has been the reason for my having to wear baggy tops and elastic waistbands, usually from the men's department to add insult to injury. I can wear some women's clothes now and look OK in them. I would refuse to buy women's clothes in anything above a size 16-18 as that just made me feel terrible inside. I have bought a really nice new top recently that, once I have lost the weight will look gorgeous. That is giving me so much motivation, it is sitting on the side of a chair in my living room just waiting for me to get to that stage and is giving me the focus to continue.

12 Oktober 2008

I have stuck rigidly to this plan and it is paying off nicely so far. I have been eating a variety of meats such as chicken, turkey, lamb grillsteaks, tuna & mackerel. I feel very positive about this plan and I am sure that it is making me feel more stable in my mind due to the stabilisation of my blood sugar I guess. I get regular checks for diabetes as it runs in my family, but I am always OK. My blood sugar just seems to be quite sensitive to sugary & starchy foods and I end up with my blood sugar spiking and dropping, causing me to be irritable. On this plan, this just does not happen and I feel a lot more even, and happy which is always a good thing. I also gave up smoking a few weeks ago which has helped my energy levels no end. The cigarettes made me just want to slump into a chair and do very little but now I have enough energy to get the things that need doing, done.

11 Oktober 2008

Well, everything is going brilliantly diet-wise. I am sticking to it very well and have lost another 2lb today which has brought me down to 15st exactly. My next milestone in my mind is 14st and once I get to there, I will be counting down to 13st. I may not stop there, as I am eager to see how far I can go down to without overdoing it. 13st sounds like a heavy weight to be at, but since I have been running and using weights, I have a higher muscle mass than I used to which amounts to around 28lbs. Because I am a larger framed person, this is easier to achieve. I am 173cm tall and when I have been at my slimmest, I cannot reach a dress size lower than a size 12 because my bone structure just won't allow it without becoming seriously and possibly dangerously underweight. There's no fear that being underweight is going to happen though. I'm a food lover through and through.

10 Oktober 2008

I have been trying foods that have been a little hit and miss, such as peanuts. They are not good for induction phase so I have eliminated them from my diet altogether. I have remained at the same weight for a few days, but gladly have not gained weight, which is what would have been far worse than temporarily plateauing like I have. I know what foods I must stick to now and am glad that I have learned my lesson early on.

I am quite proud of myself that I have prepared a sugar-rich birthday dinner for a friend and didn't even want to have any of it, even though there were items amongst that dinner that I would usually love to munch on! I was so very hungry too when I was setting it all up which has made this an even bigger feat. I made a plate of cocktail sausages and cheese on sticks so that I could feel like I had joined in the festivities. I am feeling very happy that so far I have much more willpower than I have had in a long time. I am regularly comparing my feelings to that of the last time I successfully lost much weight on this plan. I remember that the atkins diet had just been introduced to the UK and not many people had heard of a low carb diet. It was so new and different, I was so enthusiastic to try it as I was encouraged most by the fact that there were so many filling foods that I could have that were available in so much quantity so I never felt deprived or that I should ever have to say no to food. I was free to eat until I was full rather than by portion size. I found it very refreshing and I always love something new and different so it was definitely my kind of plan. I am still excited about the results I am on track to achieving. Even though the weight loss has temporarily stalled for the past few days, I know where I went wrong, and I am still 9lbs down, which is a big chunk out of my target loss whichever way you look at it! I am excited because I haven't been small for around 2 years now. I began putting weight on 2 years ago as I came off work for health reasons. For the year after then, I practically lived in track suit bottoms and t-shirts because I needed baggy clothes to hide as best as possible because I got so big. At the most, I was 17st last christmas. I have lost some significant weight since then, but stayed around 15st 7lbs give or take a few lbs. I can't wait to see where this diet takes me size wise!

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