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Jurnal Grammy Kim

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09 Juni 2019

Have been busy the last few days but managed to log all my food... some I wish I had not done... well just one in a moment of weakness after 2 days of nothing but a clear liquid diet prior to a doctors appointment. On the way home my daughter stopped at Foosakly's... now if I would have eaten a chicken finger salad I would have been better off... but still being a bit hazy from sedation my judgement was clouded just a bit...I got a "box" which contained fries, coleslaw and a...uhm... piece of texas toast. Needless to say I ate everything but the coleslaw. Then my daughter, son in law and two granddaughters arrived from way up north to visit for the summer. I'm paying for that Foosackly's lunch as I'm swollen from all the salt. I've been cooking fresh and less cans and more natural frozen veggies to lessen the salt so I'm definitely feeling the effect. However it was just the once and staying true to my healthy eating. I do so love my salads in its many forms. So happy I actually like eating like a rabbit most of the time. Days are happy and leisurely 😇😁

01 Juni 2019

01 Juni 2019

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
125,2 kg 10,0 kg 48,1 kg Cukup Baik
Kehilangan 1,0 kg dalam 1 minggu

01 Juni 2019

31 Mei 2019

I'm new to food journaling and to Fat Secret. I am diabetic and grossly overweight. I turned 60 last September and am coming out of a spiral downward time in my life. Taking control over what I can control. My A1C was 5.9 a couple years ago and I was very proud of that, but when my kidneys hit just over that end stage 3 and crept slightly into stage 4 my nephrologist took me off metformin and put me on glipizide. My baby girl was fighting through thyroid cancer and I went into depression. Through all of this my A1C soared to 8.3. I was mortified to say the least. I'm very blessed to have a wonderful and amazing primary care physician. She actually listens. They are far and few between. She's helped me out of my slump and I've asked her to send me to a Dietitian and diabetes classes. The Dietitian sent me to a different app but I came across this one and love it. People began responding almost immediately. I thank you all for all the support. I'm learning to count each and every calorie that passes through these lips of mine. Sometimes I want to "cheat" just a little because I'm a foodie. I liked grazing because I stayed stressed. But here lately I have discovered a will power that I didn't think I had. It's probably because of my 12 grandbabies... yes that's right 12! My oldest grandson just graduated high school and is leaving for the Marine's in 3 weeks. I'm so proud of him! And I've been seeing blood sugar numbers in the 80's. That is low and makes me shakey but the fact is I've never seen numbers like that before. Not even when I was first diagnosed with diabetes. I'm excited to see what my next A1C will be when I see my Nephrologist as my daily blood sugar levels are way down and I've lost nearly 11 lbs in the last month. I'm carb sensitive so it's hard to find the right foods I can live with within my confines. Some of these foods I think have to grow on you. It was hard giving up my "a little coffee" with my creamer but am now having a little sugar free creamer with my coffee. Wish I could drink it black like my mom used too but a bit too bitter for me. I'm learning a lot from all of you and seeing some wonderful recipes to change things up. Well if you've read all the way here to my true initial journal entry I thank you. I'm Grammy Kim to all whom know me including children that aren't even mine and I love it! Hello to all and looking forward to sharing my journey with you. I'm one blessed grandma for sureā£

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