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13 November 2016

this is irrelevant to my diet but I been seeing a guy lately . we got to know each other on internet and when I met with this guy all he ever talked about is sex ...I felt so awkward and I just wanted to get away from him as far as I can.

Some guys these days are just really ***** , online dating is just not for me .....After this time I don't think for the next few month , I probably won't go out with any guy again~

I haven't been in a relationship for around 9 years so I don't know If I'm capable of loving someone anymore . I tried to find a boyfriend but finding a boyfriend is very hard ....maybe I'll just wait till the right person shows up instead of looking blindly on the internet for a person who will possibly be the one ?

~any suggestions?
btw I'm on this app called coffee meets bagel and the app sucks ~
guys who liked my profile never start a conversation with me , and when I initiate a conversation, they don't respond ......so frustrating .....

what other apps are good out there?

11 November 2016

Starvation is painful but It really works
I have gained the sense of self control from limiting my calorie intake on purpose.
Today , I threw away all my food in my fridge , (Except 3 fruits, 2 packs of dry seaweed ) .
I know this is a waste of food but I'll do anything to loose weight .
I saved a pack of bread and I'll leave that in my car , this is because sometimes I find homeless animals on the street, and I want to be able to help out . I know there's not much I can do ( I'm living with a roommate so I can't really take homeless animals home but at least I can give them some food ^^)

About homeless cats / dogs
for those of you animal lovers
I strongly suggest that if you find them on the street , don't take them to a shelter.
A lot of shelters kill animals if they don't get adopted within 72 hours ~
Even if a shelter claims that they are a non-kill shelter, if they find out that the animal has some kind of incurable illness, they will be put to death immediately by registered Vet .
I understand not many people can afford to bring homeless animals home , but at least try not to harm them..don't call animal controls (sometimes they do put animals to kill shelters) , don't take them to a kill shelter, don't poison them with chemicals& don't run over them on purpose.
Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
77,6 kg 4,1 kg 34,0 kg Cukup Baik
   (2 komentar) Kehilangan 3,2 kg dalam 1 minggu

10 November 2016

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
78,0 kg 3,6 kg 34,5 kg Cukup Baik
   (3 komentar) berat badan stabil

10 November 2016

Okay so I followed my meal plan and I'm happy about the result ~

I went to the pool today It was freezing ( outdoor pool ) >_< but It was all worth it !

My meal plan for tomorrow is gonna be
breakfast: apple x1
lunch: apple x 1
dinner : apple x 1

and I will have this diet for 3 days

I don't know If you guys know about the 3 days apple diet.
It's so popular in Asian countries.
The purpose of this diet is to decrease your appetite.
This also works as a body detox method which suppose to clean out all the greasy stuff in your stomach ^_^

If anyone of you want to join me , here's the rule, for three days ...
1. You can eat apple only (no other fruits, no veggies, no meat , nothing else , just apples )
2. You can eat as many apples as you want (if you are hungry , eat 10 apples a day ! ^_^ )
3. You can drink water only , no other beverages ( no coffee , tea , soft drinks, alcohol etc)

Optional : no exercise during the 3 days apple diet .

After three days you'll loose around 6-8lbs
Optional : meal recovery plan after 3 days apple diet
day 4 : hot water + honey (all day) [honey helps with constipation]

Let me know if you plan to join me ~ ^_^<3 heart heart( I'll start from tomorrow)
Thank you for reading my journal !
good night friends
Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
78,0 kg 3,6 kg 34,5 kg Cukup Baik
   (12 komentar) berat badan stabil

08 November 2016

Thank you everyone for supporting and commenting on my last journal ( about pizza )
I cried when I read your comments , I feel like there's someone who understands me who understands how hard loosing weight is !

I really really appreciate all your kindness !
Thank you !!!

Some of you mentioned about switching to a healthier meal plan , and I think that sounds like a really good plan!
extreme diet is really not the way to go . From my experience , extreme diet only makes me want to eat junk food more and more .

Today I weight myself I'm 174lbs , I gained 2 lbs , but I'm not sad. This should be a warning sign that what I am doing now is not right . So this morning I ate 1 piece of bread, for lunch I ate chicken breast +salted egg plant+ salad( really yummy ! ) I just realized that It's not that I'm hungry , I just constantly want to eat food ..so my new diet plan will be :

Eat meat + veggie+ fruit + starch in the morning ( don't count calories , eat regularly ) eat less during lunch, eat soup for dinner ( because soup fills my stomach , and It has less calories..I am so sick of eating salad now ...I been eating salad for 2 weeks now >_<)

Prepare some low calorie snacks , i.e. walnut , apple , etc
My body is fighting with me because it thinks I am in a starvation mode , It controls my brain and tells my brain to go eat trash food . So I will fool my brain , by eating snacks between meals my body will think i'm constantly eating and my metabolism will start working.

Also I'll be swimming everyday , I used to be a swimmer in high school , but I stopped swimming because I had accident and broke my elbow. It was when I stopped swimming I started gaining weight .

Tomorrow's meal plan :
morning: Eggplant tomato pork bone soup
snack : grapes
lunch: fried egg+ salted zucchini noodle
snack : walnuts
dinner: eggplant tomato pork bone soup

Good night friends <3 ( heart )

Sejarah Berat Badan bethinfriend

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