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12 Mei 2012

Today's blog post...

Yoga, For the Fat Person:
First, let me start with... yoga for me is not sitting around going "ooam".

If yoga, for you, is sitting around going "ooam", you may not get this post at all. That's okay. I wish I could sit around and go "ooam", but I get antsy in about 27 seconds. (Okay, I never timed it... 27 might be too generous.)

So, here's an idea of what yoga is like for me.

First, you must prepare yourself. You will need some rubber-ducky floatation devices, filled as full as possible (you want little to absolutely no flexibility in them) around your waist. Also, you'll need some weighted padding around your arms and thighs... enough so that when you sit with your legs together out straight, your thighs touch but your feet are still 2-3 feet apart. Oh yes, add one of those neck-encasing travel-pillows, so that your chin touches your neck without you ever bending your head.

Now, sit on the ground with your legs straddled as far out as possible, and attempt to bend forward. Go ahead. Notice the 1 inch you manage to move before your own body starts cutting off your supply of oxygen? It feels great, right?

Okay...did you finally manage to get your hands to touch the ground somewhere between your feet? Good... after holding that for an eternity or two, proceed to GRACEFULLY shift your body weight so that in one fluid motion, you go into a "plank" (appropriate, because you're about to feel dead)...lift one leg up behind yourself, then gracefully shift it so your foot is between your hands, all still without moving your arms at all!...and stand-up into a glorified torture-pose known as "warrior". You did all that with wonderful GRACE and EASE, right? Now, hold your arms out, straight... you're a warrior, you can't flinch or shake or lower your arms, dammit!... and stand there.

That's just one set of movements.

Hell, forget all that. Just stand up straight and hold your arms in that position for a minute or two.
It hurts.
Any static pose that requires your muscles to hold weight for any given time HURTS.

A year ago, mind you, I could do the entire routine (of which, this is only one small segement) flawlessly, with some degree of grace and ease... so I'm vent-y.

I made it through the first (longest) segement of the 3, with only minor unscheduled breaks and a few not-so-peaceful words out of my mouth.

The only easy part of the entire thing though... "corpse pose"!
Now, my arms are too weak to push down my french press... oh no, i need coffee! ;)

(no one reads my blog, its just for me, but for some reason, i really liked the rubber ducky floation device segment!)

27 Desember 2011

27 Juni 2011

I'm still here.

My life flipped completely upside down a few weeks ago. Financially, emotionally, physically, etc. So instead of focusing on me and the challenge that I made for myself, I've been trying to pay the bills, find a job, take care of the baby, etc. There's been no food in the house, so I've been eating whatever comes home from applebee's. Etc etc etc. It's been a hard few weeks.

But I think things are finally starting to come together. The baby's dad got a raise and i have a job interview wednesday. (i'll figure out the childcare then... i can only handle so much at one time!) my bronchitis is gone (at least for today!)... and the extra finanical issues (broken car, returned check that we didn't know about -- the landlords secretary returned our rent check instead of cashing it, which caused to some inbalances in the bank account, part of which we spent to replace the car and then fix the new one bc we didn't realize, etcc etc etc etc etc etc and so on ad nauseum.) are almost completely cleared up! So I got on the treadmill, and am back to working on me. It's irritating that this happened right when things were going well.. but I'll still push forward!

14 Juni 2011

My son is getting amazing at the playground. (That's my "have fun" part of the 6 week challenge, we go to the playground out our back door for at least an hour each day.) A week ago, he'd barely go up the stairs, and he was terrified of the slide. Today, he does the slide, bridge, and stairs all by himself, and climbs into and through the tunnel..although he refuses to come out of the tunnel unless i pick him up. Watching him grow is definitely inspiration to get my butt back into shape... seeing as i'm the one who has to run all the way around the playland from the top of the slide to be there at the bottom as he comes down. (BB says i burnt nearly 300 calories in the hour we were there... not bad at all!)

As for the rest of the challenge... i'm still a work in progress. But i'm trying. =)

10 Juni 2011

Sejarah Berat Badan confusedangel

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