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Jurnal Grammy Kim

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04 Mei 2021

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
130,6 kg 4,6 kg 53,5 kg Cukup Baik
Memperoleh 0,1 kg dalam 1 minggu

11 September 2019

09 September 2019

So my body is once again teasing me. So close yet so far away from my short term goal. I go in 10lb increments so I don't get so overwhelmed and depressed. And actually this journey hasn't been so bad until now.

After my last Libre system which I thought was really good actually wasn't. In the afternoons my BS levels would drop between 50-70. Sometimes I would get shakey at 72 and others dangerously low at 52. I kept the usuals on me like glucose tabs, orange and apple juice while I was away from home for those just in case times. Well a physician has to check off the data of the Libre system. This one happens to be an Endocrinologist. Mind you he's not one of my current physicians... ( as I do have many). There are many problems with my body but I don't speak of them because it can be depressing. Every breath of life is so precious to me. I call each one a blessing.

To get back on track here, I was in my little bubble all happy and light spirited until that thing (Libre System) came off. I was sitting there with my Dietitian and she was excited to see my results. She was grinning ear to ear retrieving my data. She sat down across to me laying the papers between us whispering in excitement "Do you want to see your results?" Of course my eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and I shook my head "yes". Her next reply was "You're in the zone!". She was so pleased. Now I had been telling her about those dips every afternoon with each my visits with her. She pointed out those dips and yep just as I was telling her. Between the hours of 11 am to around 1 pm in the early afternoon. She at that time heard the Endocrinologist's voice and excitedly said "Let me go show him really quickly" and with a "I'll be right back " dissapeared.

Office walls can be very thin thus also very revealing. Let's just say he was not very happy with those drops in the afternoon, nor was I as they're actually pretty scary.

I heard him going over my meds list then quickly say who put her on this? Well I tell her everything so she new and replied. He then wanted to see some other reports and agreed that he couldn't go back to another medication I was on but wanted me off the one I was currently on. His final determination was I want her off of this. Soooo off I came!!!

I was elated to say the least. A new pep now in my steps and a greater grin altogether. I just got to come off one of my many meds. Yay a small victory for me! This past week being a very successful one. My BS levels were consistent every day. Morning, noon and night and even after snacks as well. I was now whistling with my peppy steps....until after snack time this past Thursday. My blood sugars skyrocketed to 289! I was mortified and actually had to fight back tears. My daughter told me I was being silly.

Need less to say I've really cut my carbs again and have had to add back on the one med I "thought" I got to come off of. I've been in a slump ever since.

I could have fallen off the wagon very easily and cheated for a few days. That's not me. As a matter of fact I lessened things along with carbs to see if it was me. No. My blood sugars were staying steady at this higher rate, before and after each meal.

So today is day 2 with added on low dose of that other medication, blood sugars remaining the same, me wondering how long it's going to take to fully get into my system to regulate my blood sugars at that perfect level.

This means my A1c is messed up my next visit and a lot of explaining to do with my nephrologist as to why. He is also the one whom put me on this medication to begin with. Actually it was his Physician's Assistant whom is no longer there. (-_-)

It doesn't matter what I eat the numbers are remaining the steady same so I'll be happy the day it changes and hopefully will find that happy in between magic number that will healthily put me in the "Zone".

Thank you all for ALL your support and for letting me vent. Something I rarely do. I'm not going to let this keep me down for I know eventually it's going to even out.
Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
118,0 kg 17,2 kg 40,9 kg Cukup Baik
Kehilangan 1,1 kg dalam 1 minggu

04 September 2019

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
118,8 kg 16,4 kg 41,7 kg Cukup Baik
Kehilangan 0,2 kg dalam 1 minggu

02 September 2019

Sejarah Berat Badan Grammy Kim

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