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Seems like forever since I've been on here, but it's really not that long. I haven't totally lost track of everyone, as I can now read on my Christmas gift....an iPad! I could probably respond from it too, but I can type faster on a regular keyboard. Got lots and lots to learn on the thing, as I don't have any 7-year-olds to teach me the ropes - LOL!

A few WOE tidbits here:

Be sure to check your "usual" foods from time to time for carb changes, esp. when they revamp the packaging. DH has used 1 particular Kraft salad dressing for a very long time because he likes it and the net carbs are 2 for 2Tblsp. The packaging changed slightly and - WHOA! - the net carbs jumped to FIVE per 2Tblsp! Major change! He'll finish up this bottle but then move on to something else.

Just yesterday, I tried fresh goat cheese for the first time. It was a log rolled in some cranberries and cinnamon, with NC of about 5 per 1/2-inch slice. It was really tasty all by itself! Perhaps not for everyone in all stages of Atkins, but if you can handle the cranberries and the NCs, this is a very nice, different treat.

I had thought that with all the bad press for high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), it wasn't in many products anymore. I hadn't seen it listed on much of anything that I've looked at for a very long while. Well.....guess where I found a whole lot of the stuff? In applesauce! I was looking for some unsweetened applesauce for a new recipe (not much needed). I began looking at various varieties and labels and jar after jar had HFCS very high up in the ingredient list. Amazing! And....while I was searching for unsweetened applesauce without HFCS (found it eventually), parent after parent came by, picking up jar after jar of the HFCS-laden stuff. Too bad the companies had to ruin a perfectly good, healthy product for kids with that stuff.

My own WOE is going well....feeling MUCH better than at certain points during the holidays. Today, I even passed up wonderful-looking, delicious-smelling, frosted doughnuts at a meeting at church. MAJOR pats on the back! Dropping a pound this AM helped my resolve. :)

Not to worry - you'll be an expert on that iPad before you know it - even without the help of that 7 year old. Good tip on re-reading those labels! BTW - do you have Bolthouse Farms salad dressings (sold in produce aisle) in FL? I's stuck on the Chunky Blue Cheese Yogurt Dressing at 1 carb/35 calories per 2 tablespoons. They also have other flavors at different carb/cal levels. BTW - please let me join yon those Major Pats on the back. Life is filled with little victories!  
19 Jan 14 oleh anggota: BuffyBear
I love cranberry goat cheese.Its a holiday tradition! 
19 Jan 14 oleh anggota: rockytu
More pats on the back. I am afraid, Sandy, that HFCS is in everything prepackaged. Read your labels. I was heartsick to see it in sausages, my fav. I keep saying I am going to learn to make my own. Welcome back! 
19 Jan 14 oleh anggota: Mom2Boxers
I have a Nook and I love it..still don't know what all I can do with it yet..but I love getting free books to read...I love a good mystery with a little comedy thrown in...Or a good heart felt story...not romance..as they are all the same...poor girl meets rich guy..so unreal..rolling eyes..LOL..I also like getting hulu...you can watch shows that you may have missed on tv...Like you I like working to the computer for my typing..I know they seem to put that corn syrup in a lot of stuff...And yes you deserver those pats...here is some from me,,,,Pat, Pat, Pat...:O) 
19 Jan 14 oleh anggota: BHA
Enjoy your iPad. I just bought myself a mini this week-end, and congrats on a pound down, and being back on track. Yes, HFCS seems to be in too many products. 
20 Jan 14 oleh anggota: sarahsmum
They went & put that stuff in UNsweetened applesauce...really? Oh boy, if I find that in what I bought....AAAAAAAArrrgh! So, let's talk about something fun, like your new TECH! So funny, but true having the little kids educate. I am STILL working out the kinks on my kindle & totally dreading the day I upgrade my phone. PS...good job on passing up the donuts, good thing smells are WOE friendly or we would all be in trouble...serious trouble! 
20 Jan 14 oleh anggota: gg-girl
I got a mini iPad for Christmas. I love it. Figuring out all the cool things. I'd like to use this program on that. Is there a way to save it on the wall (or whatever it's called). Is there an app or do you go into safari? Best wishes on your weight loss! 
20 Jan 14 oleh anggota: LSW19
Love goat cheese ... I get one that comes with sundried tomatoes and it is fab and as you said - great just by itself - doesn't even need crackers. 
21 Jan 14 oleh anggota: FullaBella
Buffy, I know I've seen Bolthouse somewhere....not sure exactly which store, but I'm sure I can find it. I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks! 
22 Jan 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Rocky, this was my first taste of goat cheese and I can see why you've had it as tradition! It's great-tasting! 
22 Jan 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Sandy, I already think I spend too much time on food prep...I wouldn't even attempt something like homemade sausage. It really is too bad the manufacturers have to stuff perfectly fine food with that stuff. 
22 Jan 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Thanks for the pats Bren....those donuts sure smelled divine! Little by little, I'll eventually get the hang of the iPad. But the other day I did something that made all my icons begin to "dance" in place!!! Couldn't figure out what I did or how to make them stop. Had to get the manual out (!!) that I had kept my finger on an icon too long and they were awaiting my rearrangement! Who knew that????!!! Now I can make them "dance" and I can make them stop, so I'm feeling SO-O-O tech-savvy! LOL!!!!!!!!! Yes, I'll have this iPad thing down in no time! 
22 Jan 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Issy, I definitely need the larger size screen to be able to see what I'm doing. Part of the reason why I don't have a smartphone is that I wouldn't be able to see all the cool stuff anyway. Getting out my reading glasses for any little thing is just such a bother. Ahhhh....getting old(er) is NO fun! 
22 Jan 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
GG, I wouldn't swear it was in all the unsweetened applesauce, as I was losing track of all the varieties I was checking. I just know that every variety I checked before I found Musselman's unsweetened had HFCS. I was surprised that the only unsweetened I could find at this particular store was a lite version.....thankfully, the ingredient list had only apples, vitamin C, and sucralose in it. 
22 Jan 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
LSW, thanks for stopping by. I can access the FS site via Safari. I haven't even tried to download ANY app yet, so can't speak to whether or not there's an FS app. Seems like there should be, though.... 
22 Jan 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Bella, I haven't seen the goat cheese with sun-dried tomatoes, but it sounds delish. The only other variety that was there was a blueberry-vanilla. You're right....it's absolutely fabulous all by itself. Who needs crackers???!!! LOL! 
22 Jan 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
I think I'll make my own goat cheese with sun dried tomatoes. I have both on hand, will add the tomatoes and blend in a food processor. That should work. Thanks for the idea.  
23 Jan 14 oleh anggota: Gigi39


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