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Oh my... 750 word research paper due today on the life of Flannery O'Conner and I haven't even started on it other than creating my works cited page and gathering my research materials. It's due at 7pm. Eeek! Last night I visited my little sister in the nursing home. It really wasn't bad at all. It was a little sad I guess but the place is really nice and clean and new. Alex has her own room for the time being. She is bored to tears. I wanted to bring her my laptop to use but I am a little afraid to because she is out working 3 days a week and people wander in and out of her room and I am afraid it will get stolen. Also I really do need it for school. I wish I could rent her one or something. Well this paper cannot be late - no exceptions so I better get off of here and get to work. TGIF everyone!

Hope you knocked it out of the park! 
03 Des 10 oleh anggota: FLOWERDUDE


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