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Jurnal Divided By Zero, 08 Des 09

I've decided that I'm not going to try to lose any more weight right now. I'm at a pretty good place, and I'm just going to try to maintain this until the holiday season is over. I'll rethink this after the new year, but I'm already wearing shirts that are medium (some are even small) and my waist size for pants is 32 (and would be 31 if I could find pants in that size). I need to work on defining my musculature/losing body fat, but I don't necessarily think I need to lose pounds.

My marathon is this Sunday. I'm officially starting to get nervous. I keep thinking about how I started. As cliche as it is, if someone would have told me a year ago that I was going to run a marathon, I would have thought they were insane. A lot can change in a year. Getting your diet/fitness on track isn't easy, but if you're stubborn enough to keep at it, amazing things can happen. A year is going to come and go no matter what you do. Would you rather be stuck at the same place a year from now, or achieving things you could only dream about before?

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83,9 kg Sejauh ini Berkurang: 36,3 kg.    Sisa: 0 kg.    Diet diikuti: Tidak Berlaku.
berat badan stabil

You will do awesome at your marathon. You have been rocking all of it out, so keep it up Mr. Stubborn. :-p 
08 Des 09 oleh anggota: Starladesiree
Well, my goal is to just finish in one piece... preferably still breathing. I think I can handle that. :) 
08 Des 09 oleh anggota: Divided By Zero
I don't know what's wrong with my browser but I can't see your randomness anymore. That hurts my heart. And that is so crazy about how much changes in a year. I think you're going to do very well on Sunday. If anyone is ready for this, it's you. I'm glad you're happy where you are with your weight. I think deep down I feel the same way. I do want to tone areas, which I'm working on, but weight wise I'm okay. Well, I would like to lose a few more, but otherwise I'm happy. I know if I wasn't I would definitely try a lot harder than I am. Okay, I'm rambling. Good luck on Sunday! Can't wait to hear about it. 
08 Des 09 oleh anggota: FakePlasticLala
Hey, you look like you've found the right weight for your body. If you're in a good enough condition to run a marathon you're in good enough condition, period. :) 
08 Des 09 oleh anggota: wintersmith
I'll be thinking positive, endurance-filled thoughts for you on Sunday! I'm so excited for you! You should be so proud of all you've accomplished in one year! I am! 
08 Des 09 oleh anggota: amryk
good luck at your marathon!! 
08 Des 09 oleh anggota: SelinaMinus60
Great question. Thanks for the inspirato. Break a leg! 
08 Des 09 oleh anggota: beets_yum
good luck for sunday! I'm sure all FS members will be mentally supporting you during the marathon!! you are such an inspiration! I am at the same point about muscle definition/body fat vs losing weight, do you have a plan already?  
09 Des 09 oleh anggota: jessyline
@Jessyline: Because marathon training has taken up so much of my workout time, I've let my strength workouts slip. When it's over (and I'm recovered), I'm going to focus more heavily on strength exercises and explosive movements (example: sprints instead of long runs). After so many months of running, it will be a good change of pace. I'll probably change my diet up a bit too since I won't need nearly as many carbs. 
09 Des 09 oleh anggota: Divided By Zero
The chart looks great, good luck at the marathon Zero. 
09 Des 09 oleh anggota: information
Good luck on Sunday!!! 
09 Des 09 oleh anggota: splendidhammer
I am sure you are nervous but you have trained and you're ready. I can't to hear all about it! 
09 Des 09 oleh anggota: erikag
Just FYI, I don't think its too late at all to back out now. You don't HAVE to do this!! ok if (I didn't convince you)I was kidding... If anyone can do this its YOU! You so deserve this, just one more thing to conquer and prove you can do anything! I love your cliche, its so true we would never have known how far we could go w/ just staying put. 
09 Des 09 oleh anggota: cindyshine
so maybe we'll see another "Hell Week" in January... 
09 Des 09 oleh anggota: jessyline
@jessyline: I hope not! LOL I might have to set up something once I get back to a regular routine. 
10 Des 09 oleh anggota: Divided By Zero


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