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31 Juli 2017

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
88,9 kg 4,1 kg 7,3 kg Buruk
   (1 komentar) Memperoleh 0,0 kg dalam 1 minggu

21 September 2015

10 Juni 2015

I am coming back to Fat Secret.
I eat pretty well during the day. I walk 3-4 miles for work and 21-4 for exercise almost daily. I am in decent shape, at least decently fit for a 49 year old and pretty active on weekends but I have gained back a lot of the weight that I lost a few years back. I have a pretty stressful job, and I like my down time at night...staying up late watching sports or shows, and SNACKING!!I think this has undone most of my hard work, and I will try to curtail it. I have quite a few buddies here who never went away. I lost 40 plus pounds a few yeas back and I worked my butt off to do it. This site was and is an awesome tool...with the right mindset. Its not a diet. Its a lifestyle change. Its not fast, its slow, but it sure feels good to succeed.

20 Agustus 2014

18 Agustus 2014

Sucks. Dangerously close to where I was when I started a few years back .
Bad news Good news: BAD: I am eating a lot at night, and I am hitting fast food more and more out of convenience. Very demanding job and outside activities make this excuse easier to use. I ate right at all costs in my first go around.
GOOD: My activity level is still high. I walk on for exercise a minimum average of between 2.5 and 4.5 miles per day, plus do calisthenics every other day. My fitness is comparable to when I was at my lightest.
REALITY: I got down to 162 lbs two years ago and it was just too skinny. Wife, family and friends all said so.(of course I DUG it!) I am going to shoot for 175 while maintaining my healthy activities. The key, as always is logging here. that was the first thing to go. I hate writing about eating fast food, so I am less apt to eat it if I don't have to tell on my self!
Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
86,6 kg 6,4 kg 5,0 kg Cukup Baik
   (5 komentar) Memperoleh 0,1 kg dalam 1 minggu

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