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Jurnal LovelyLana

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10 September 2013

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
109,8 kg 8,8 kg 32,7 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 0,0 kg dalam 1 minggu

22 Februari 2011

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
114,3 kg 4,3 kg 37,2 kg Buruk
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 2,4 kg dalam 1 minggu

21 Februari 2011

Alright, so being away was ok in the beginning, but have recently fallen off the bandwagon! I had friends visiting and am away from home, haven't worked out in a few days and haven't ate the greatest... but I tried to make healthier choices and ordered a half portion when we went out and ate slowly so that I could not overindulge. Didn't eat much appetizer, did drink some cocktails the other night though.. anyhow..I needa to get back on track again and start recording everything and what not, tonight I am hitting the gym and tomorrow I am going with a friend to the gym..so, we're good! :) I am doing it again. At least I know that I feel gross not working out for a few days and at leas I tried to eat healthier choices..said no to desserts and pizza too (even though it smelled so good! lol!) Just a lil bump in the road...but now it's past me and I can only look forward from here!

15 Februari 2011

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
116,8 kg 1,9 kg 39,6 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Kehilangan 1,9 kg dalam 1 minggu

13 Februari 2011

So, I have been away from home for 2 days now, and I am doing ok..but for some reason am VERY tempted to binge on sweets! I have been fighting it back over and over again! I am probably going to have a small piece of dark chocolate just to get over it, so that I don't binge. But there are cookies and brownies and chocolates and yesterday I had to run into 7-11 to grab some milk and some how conviently walked down the candybar isle...it was soooo hard! I am really trying not to surrender. I don't know if I am feeling this way because I am around Matt and that whole "comfort" thing is up or what...but it's hard!! He is going to cook me dinner tomorrow for v-day and I am soooo glad that he is being so understanding and was actually taking time with me today to look at the nutritional facts and stuff on stuff and asking me what I can and can't have. He felt bad and kept saying sorry when he was like, omg--those are so good (looking at the crap food that makes people fat!)...hehe he was like, I'm soo sorry! I keep forgetting! He is soo understanding and even walked the dogs with me today! I couldn't ask for someone better! He also has told me how proud of me he is and stuff...that really helps to hear! :) My skinny lil mother in law is being wonderful too..not ever having an issue with weight, she's not sure of what I can and can't have and asked me this morning when she cooked me breakfast. Asked if she could use butter or olive oil and if I could have eggs and stuff.. made me seperate egg whites. It is nice to have support. I just need to chat with my girls who know how hard it is to resist urges and talk to them about the sweets! Weird thing is, is that I think I haven't been eating enough..I think that that might be a reason why I am craving sweets. It's hard when you get outta the swing!
Well, I am off to do another work out before bed..I have to cuz I don't think our extra long walk this morning was enough! :) Keep your fingers crossed that mine stay outta the chocolate! Hehe

Sejarah Berat Badan LovelyLana

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