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Jurnal Caligirl48

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14 Juli 2017

hello everyone. Haven't been here in a while. I weighed just now and the scale said 194 when I was at 185 a little over a week ago. I am not going to the gym today I don't think because when I gain weight I feel discouraged and need to just sit back and eat little and get back down to where I was and then go back to the gym. It's some kind of psychological thing I have always done. So today this is what I am eating:

breakfast: smoothie...with berries, bananas, yogurt, and dry oatmeal and almond milk
lunch:salad with light Italian or vinegar and olive oil
snack: nectarine or banana
dinner: broccoli and squash with garlic.

Drink lots of water.
do yoga

that is what I am doing today you all. Hope it's enough. I will go back to the gym when I hit 188. And I will work my arms too.

I am signing off. Love, Caligirl

24 Mei 2017

Hi everyone! I am doing something wrong. I weighed myself this morning and I weighed 200 again. My mom says because I am 48 years old that my days of losing 5 lbs per week are over. But she encouraged me to lose 5 lbs per month. I worked out again today ... well it was only 1/2 hour on the treadmill. I burned 130 calories and my heart rate got up to 135. This morning I had a smoothie. I am not that hungry now.
I may have a combo lunch dinner this evening. A vegetable bag sounds good. Also I have a bad knee. My right knee really hurts. I think I have minor arthritis. I plan on making a doctor appointment to get it checked out because it interferes with my work outs. Can someone share with me how to get a meal featured? I have some good ideas that I would like to share with you. Also in my previous journal entry I shared some ab exercises that a trainer at the gym did with me. They are simple, but grant a great ab work out. I need to check into calorie counting here. That's one thing I am not doing. Maybe that is what is throwing off my healthy lifestyle. Hope to hear from you. Love, caligirl48.......

20 Mei 2017

20 Mei 2017

17 Mei 2017

Hi everyone! Haven't posted for a few days because I have been feeling under the weather. And I really have not been keeping with my healthy eating plan. I haven't felt like cooking so I have eaten a lot of pieces of bread with peanut butter on it. Well it's a new day and I am ready to discipline myself. I have not gained weight nor have I lost any. I still weigh 200 lbs. My goal weight right now is 169. So, I am going to try and stay in touch on this journal entry throughout the day. I plan on hitting the gym today. I will definitely do a half hour of cardio. And then my goal is to tackle some of the machines. Here's what I plan on eating today.

Breakfast - One egg on 1/2 bagel
lunch - turkey burger and salad
dinner - salmon and salad
snack- trail mix
snack- apple

I need to really be strict with myself if I am going to lose weight. My body does not seem to want to budge away from 200 lbs. So wish me well. I need to allow myself to feel a little bit hungry to lose weight. Hope I do well today!

Love, Caligirl.

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