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Jurnal martinigirl987

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22 Juli 2010

I woke up starving today. I'll make my breakfast in a minute.

Hopped on the scale. Gain. I hope it goes away by Saturday! I haven't exercised this week. But that shouldn't cause a gain because I'm still eating sooooo much better than before.

My right foot has been hurting me again. I finish the anti-flammatories and it swelled right back up. :( My other foot... I wore new shoes the other day and now I have a big blister on the back of my foot. My feet are falling apart!

Nothing like being woken up at 4:30am to a squeaking cat. The foster cat like to squeak when I'm sleeping. Nice huh? Got up, fed him and went back to bed. He's a VERY thin cat so I'm trying to fatten him up.

Today's agenda... straighten up. I have a handy man coming some time today to fix the toilet. Apparently it's leaking. It's in the kitties' bathroom, so I didn't know it was leaking. I have my own bathroom. I want to visit family today. And tonight I'm going to some friends' house for dinner. I'm brining burgers and the cheesecake squares. I made strawberry/banana jello. But I'm thinking making lemon and pouring a thin layer on top. Or maybe a thin layer of plain cream cheese. I haven't decided yet. And of course we watch Big Brother too.

Ok, time for breakfast.

Oh.. one more thing. I haven't worn my pedometer much this week with the interviews and all. But I noticed something. I must be a light walker. I noticed the number on it. I thought it was low. So I walked around my house and counted the steps. Looked at the pedometer... it didn't record a single step I just did. :(

21 Juli 2010

Well the 2nd interview went ok, I think. It was kind of weird.

So I get in the conference room with the original guy and 2 other guys. They pretty much do all the talking... the job will consist of reports and be busy and they're not exactly sure what else cuz they're new too but it'll be a lot of stuff.

Then 20 minutes later someone gets on the speaker phone to explain at a high level the reporting system.

In the end I'm asked how much do I want the job and how would I be beneficial.

I was thrown off because the 2 new guys didn't ask me any questions. They didn't know my background.

I said I was very interested in the job and my past experiences would be very beneficial with my skills in creating/analyzing reports, being an admin I wore many hats and had the opportunity to work in many areas.

I mean, what does one say? I don't want to sound like "I can do that!" to every little thing they mention.

They will be making their decision this week.

So.... now that I'm starting to take some vitamin.... I don't think it's fair I have to put the carbs towards my daily allotment! I only get 20 Net Carbs a day. So 3 carbs towards a vitamin is a lot! Yes, I'm whining. I prefer to have 3 carbs of food.

It's another hot day here. Just drains the energy right out of you.

20 Juli 2010


I have a 2nd interview tomorrow!!!! OMG YEAH! I went 11 months without a single word from anyone! I'm so excited!

I really think my thank you letter and the examples I attached to the letter helped.

My interview is with the same guy, another person (the other person I'd support) and a person on the phone from out of state to explain their reports to me. This sounds promising!

For lunch I had Chipotle - burrito bowl (no tortilla). It was awesome! I had a coupon for buy one get one.... so I have breakfast all set for tomorrow.

I did my volunteer work today, but I still need to do another form of exercise. I'll either go for a walk or do the elliptical. Not sure which yet.

I ran to the store to buy the stuff for the Raspberry Cheesecake Squares but I don't think I got enough cream cheese. :( I got 2 packages, but I only have the large box of sf jello. Or do I want the large box (2 cups hot/2 cups cold water)?

Now I'm gonna be super nervous tomorrow... a 2nd interview!

20 Juli 2010

Good Morning

Thought I'd jot down some random thoughts before I get off the couch. I'm just procrastinating. lol

Had a weird dream. I dreamt I was on the Amazing Race except I didn't have a team member and I had to do everything by myself. And I was barely ahead of the last place team which was a mom and a 4 year old who constantly needed naps. LOL Nice huh?

Anyone else obsessed with buying food? I find I'm at the store ALL the time. My freezer is full, but I'm constantly getting more! More meat. Yeah, I pick up fresh veggies too... but it's the meat. I get a taste for something and I run off to the store to get it!

I saw this commercial a week ago for a product. Actually, I was probably on the computer and sorta saw the commercial. It was for "chub rub". Some lotion to put on your thighs to elimate rashes. Now, I have chunky thighs. So I thought it sounded great! Did I even try to remember the name? No. I've gone to 3 or 4 stores and I can't find it. Haven't seen the commercial again either. Oh well.

Today I tried my golden flax seed in a MIM. I do like the golden better. I want to try making the garlic/parmassean one.

It's a gloomy day here. I like it. It's been so sunny and hot, I like the break.

Yep. That's about it for now.

19 Juli 2010

So I had my interview. I arrived in the neighborhood an hour early, which I planned. I went to Panera for a salad for lunch - only to find it was 12g of carbs!!!! Eeek Dang it.

The interview was ok. The guy said that they were deciding if they wanted to take the duties of the job and pass it out among current employees or hire a new employee (HR said this is a brand new position). Then he told me he plans on doing a re-org and letting people go in the next month (he's new to the company). Ummm why tell a stranger this? We went over my experiences and we talked a lot about SharePoint sites (I created/maintained websites as part of my last job).

Once I got home I quickly created a dummy at a glance view of the websites I use to create and attached it in my thank you email giving him an example of what I could do. Eh... doesn't hurt, right?

So now I just wait.

I heard back from the part time job. I passed the drug test, now they're running the background check. This is where I'm worried. My drivers license is expired. I can't get it renewed until I get some stuff done for my car (registration sticker, city sticker, insurance, etc). But I have no money. I'm just worried they'll hold the driver's license thing against me. Now days companies can be very picky about who they hire. I really hope this won't be an issue.

So today has been a bundle of nerves for me. I'm exhausted.

Didn't get my exercise in. I'm drained. I have my volunteer work tomorrow which is labor intensive. So that'll get my heart going.

After that salad I think I have 3 carbs left for dinner. Woohoo

Sejarah Berat Badan martinigirl987

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