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08 April 2014

06 April 2014

Friday: Work Day. Always so brutal. I was barely able to keep my calorie intake within my RDI, which, btw, I really don't trust it! There's no way I can eat 1500 calories and lose weight. I wish I had time to buy a damned scale so I could've weighed myself before starting this journey, but delaying it until I could purchase one seemed like a silly thing to do. Oh well, I'll be off for a couple of days starting Wednesday night. I'll buy one then. Water intake goal met.

Saturday: Finally got my pedometer. I wore it to work and got 10000 steps in from being in the hospital alone. I can't believe all the aches and pains I get from the constant walking, running, boosting, turning, pushing, pulling and otherwise caring for bodies at least twice my size doesn't count as exercise. :( When I got home, I pulled up my trusty C25K app (which I haven't touched in years), and started Day 1 with my dog. She held me up quite a bit. Poor girl couldn't keep up during the running intervals so I had to jog, which is just fine for me. Calorie intake wasn't bad either. I made some chicken noodle soup with rotini and lots of veggies for dinner. So freakin' good, but the calories from the pasta can certainly add up. Still stayed within my RDI. I'm pretty amazed that I am able to do this, considering how much I love food! Water intake goal met.

Sunday: Woke up so late, which is the norm when I get a day off. Went with the bf to get cat and dog food. Had sushi while we were out. I was worried but was pleasantly surprised that I didn't get the urge to eat everything like I normally do. I had a couple of bites of my seaweed salad. some edamame, and a decent amount of sushi. Later in the afternoon, I had more of my chicken noodle soup and gave in to my sweet tooth with some cocoa puffs+1% milk. Still didn't break the RDI, so yay! Water intake goal was a little more difficult today. Made it to 1L, but had lots and lots of soup and milk.

Work again in the next three days, then hopefully getting a massage, a scale, and more bananas, since I seem to have run out. Good night, everyone!

PS. Today, I did lunges, squats, and crunches. <3

03 April 2014

Days off are much harder. All I wanna do is sit on my couch and eat whatever I can get my hands on!

Water intake was much easier though, and it's the only thing that kept me from overeating. I drank more than 2L today for the first time in god knows how long. I also logged everything I ate. The boredom/laziness was threatening to send me into a food binge, so I decided to do some needed grocery shopping. Bought fruits, veggies, snacks, and was very mindful of the nutrition facts as I went along. I now have a good stash of healthier alternatives sitting in my fridge.

I did more research and realized that walking won't really do me a lot of good in terms of weight loss since my body is already used to so much walking. I'll probably still do it though, for the sake of my dog. Maybe I'll even get up the motivation to do some jogging or Couch to 5K. I'm sure that will be good for both my weight and my heart, right?

03 April 2014

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
59,0 kg 0 kg 13,6 kg Tidak Berlaku

02 April 2014

Aaaand I'm back.

Almost a year in, still at the same mark. BMI is still a little too high, and it's starting to scare me. Granted, I've been negligent in the past year. I moved to a new state, and to night shift, and that blew away any chance of forming a routine. I need help. I don't even know where to start, but I know I have to do this. The biggest problem for me is how exhausted I am after a 13-hour shift and an hour drive home. I'm usually exhausted for a couple of days after my work week, then I have to start all over again. I don't know what to do. All I know is I have to start somewhere. Anywhere. I have to take better care of myself. Here's what I have so far:

1. I've started walking with my dog again. Listening to audio books help. But the problem is I don't have faith in the benefits of walking. I'm on my feet almost all day long as a nurse. I'm worried my body is used to it by now, and isn't reacting. Sigh.

2. Logging my food intake. I need to be consistent with this. I wish I could get someone to hold me accountable but I find I'm actually feeling ashamed that my self-image isn't as strong as I'd like to admit. :(

3. Making an effort to drink more water. I drink so much coffee when I'm working. Most of the time, I don't have time to get anything else to drink. I'm worried that I'm damaging my kidneys. I don't know how many times I've arrived home and realized I haven't used the restroom since I woke up sixteen hours ago. I'm thinking of stocking my locker with lots of bottled water at the beginning of my work week. Just gotta find a way to do this (my hospital is so big that I have to take a shuttle from the parking lot, then walk 10-15 minutes, then go up five floors, to get to my locker).

4. Grazing throughout the day to avoid cravings. Eating more eggs instead of greasy breakfast meats/hash in the morning.

5. I'm a big rice eater. I really don't think it would be realistic for me to say I'm never eating rice again. So I'm drinking tons of water before and throughout my meals to make sure there's no space for too much rice in my belly.

There we go. Five things. That should be easy to follow, right? Now if only I can sustain this, I'll at least be in better shape.

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