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Jurnal KTaylor31

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05 Januari 2020

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
76,8 kg 16,4 kg 2,9 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Memperoleh 0,5 kg dalam 1 minggu

02 Januari 2020

01 Januari 2020

Hey FatSecret Family!!!!! It’s 2020!!!!! Let’s get back on track!!!! The holidays are over (thank you lord)!!!!! So I don’t have any resolutions this year and I refuse to but today is the first day in the year and did I go to the gym???? No, but I did use my gym down in my basement . I did 30 mins on the treadmill, some running and some walking and in total did 2 miles on there. I did some core work and weights. I will not make anymore excuses for not making the gym.....I can’t anymore. Last year was the worst year and earlier this morning I was cleaning out my fridge and as I was washing dishes in the sink and I started crying while looking out the window. I cried because I am glad 2019 is over, although all the heartache and pain is still there I am just glad it’s in the past. Good luck to everyone and may you harvest in 2020 and thrive!!!!!!!
Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
76,6 kg 16,7 kg 2,6 kg Cukup Baik
   (2 komentar) Memperoleh 0,2 kg dalam 1 minggu

11 Desember 2019

I could see what I was typing so I hit done on my last post. But anywho so I ate everything I could and shouldn’t eat. I ate a lot of candy and sweets and I was out of work just shy of 3 weeks and I tell you the food cravings were on 10000000000000 and now I’m back at work and I had originally gained 9 pounds and Thanksgiving had cake around while I was out. BUT now I am getting back on track. I am back on my diet and I am back to making choices. But I have learned without my gallbladder I have to make different choices. I LOVE spicy food and now I can’t have it anymore. The high fatty foods I can’t have, unless I want to suffer the consequences and at this time it’s not worth it. I’ve learned even sunflowers seeds is not even a good option for me. But I’m taking it all day by day and trying to stay on track. Happy Holidays everyone!!!!!!! (Venting moment)

11 Desember 2019

Hey my FatSecret Family!!!!! I’ve been M.I.A.....again. As you can see I just updated my weight gain (AHHH!!!!). So I have been slipping big time. So here’s an update.....on November 14 I had to have surgery and have my gallbladder removed. I knew a week prior to my surgery that is was happening. Leading up to it tho I was having really bad what I thought was severe muscles spasms (that’s what E.R. Told me) and had 3 of them, first one was back in April. Finally I was like hmmm something is definitely not right. Went and saw my primary physician and she ordered an ultra sound and it came back with multiple gallstones. My only option was surgery. So of course like anyone else I starting researching what does the gallbladder even do? What is the lasting effects of not having it? What can I do? And etc. So the week leading up to surgery I did horrible with my diet. I ate everything that I shouldn’t

Sejarah Berat Badan KTaylor31

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