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Jurnal Jonathan Walsh

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22 Mei 2015

21 Mei 2015

Still here gang. Long day at work yesterday. Helped another department with some rework, so was not at my desk all day. Additionally, still having internet outage issues at home with Frontier. So I apologize for missing all the action on the mountain lately. Came in early to catch up real quick.


Perseverance is how we do not quit. Perseverance is not a marathon; it is many marathons, but you can't think of it in those terms. If you do, you may become overcome with the task. You may look too far ahead of yourself & let the small problem at your feet trip you up.

Perseverance is about stringing together small victories. Perseverance is about working through small defeats. Perseverance is the long term win; comprised of many small wins piled on top of each other, interwoven with overcoming those times you were defeated. You have all heard the term, "Lost the battle, but won the war;" that is perseverance.

So as we climb, we persevere. We win. We overcome. We continue to move forward. That is exactly how we DO NOT QUIT. We legion shall persevere. We legion shall help our neighbors persevere. We do not stop. We do not quit. We climb this mountain till the marathons are done.

Then we live. Live as free brothers & sisters. Not fools doomed to repeat the actions of our past; but as guides on these trails we are now forging. We prevent the people around us from repeating our mistakes & show the ones who have, how to fix them.

We legion. We persevere. This is our legion. And one day, this will not only be our peak; it will be our mountain.

19 Mei 2015

19 Mei 2015

Good morning on out there on the mountain side gang! I hope the warmth of the sun will breathe new vigor into those in need of a boost this day, as the Earth rolls over to bask in new light!

To stick with our DO NOT QUIT theme, the troops have arrived this day to pick up the weary & tattered; lift their spirits; & remind them of why they started this difficult, yet rewarding, journey in the first place. That's right gang, it's Tenacious Tuesday!!!

This is the day we in good standing reach out to those in need of a hand & help them get up from the fall. This is the day, we recognize this journey might beat you down, but cannot be allowed to beat you! This is the day, we respect the task we have undertaken; but respectfully disagree with current course of action.

This climb has been turning my life around. So I speak of it in those terms. I know it may have not been that serious of an undertaking for all of us; but I also know that I am not the only one. So if you have fallen off your course of action today, take a second to remember why you chose to start climbing the mountain to begin with.

Remember what made you get on your feet in the valley; strap on the gear; & start up this mountain. Dig deep. Only you know the true motivation in your soul. I beg of you to have that crucial conversation with yourself today in an effort to re-capture that spark. There is no shame in falling. The only shame is in not getting back up.

You can do this. Get up. Take that first step. Then take that second step. Then before you know it, your at ten steps; then a hundred; then a thousand; then a million. You see where I'm going? The only way you cannot succeed is to quit; & I refuse to let you quit, because I have walked in your shoes. This can be done & you can do it. I am certain you can do it because I am in the midst of doing it & Jon Walsh is no one special.

So if you are out there & you're down; you've fallen into a dark crevice; yell out!!! Help will come. I will come. This community will come & light that crevice with our lanterns. We want you on this climb. We need you on this climb, for there is strength in numbers my friend.

This band of climbers of mountains is growing. We band are now we legion. We are ascending this mountain. We will travel many paths, but we will crest on one peak. And we will not leave you behind.

Now stand up & climb friend. We do not quit. We do not allow our brothers & sisters to quit. This is not cruelty; this is compassion. There is a mountain here to be conquered; & I'll be damned if we all do not conquer it.

To the peak gang!!! Be TENACIOUS out there today!!!! Let your TENACITY lose upon the mountain side to aid those who are lacking!!! Individually we are good. We legion, are great!!!

18 Mei 2015

Starting Weight = 476 pounds
Week #16 Closing = 380 pounds

Numbers Update:
96 pounds banished
20.17% of body weight banished
BMI reduced by 11.9 points to 54.5

No soda for 112 days.
No alcohol for 115 days.
No cheating on plan for 112 days.

Good bounce back week after gaining 3 pounds last week, leaving me on the cusp of the century pounds banished milestone. That gives me great motivation to kick in the afterburners this week & hit everything at mach 3.

I apologize for lacking on the support end lately, been experiencing some router issues. Hopefully my son got them fixed yesterday. Hope everyone had a good weekend. I did. Really enjoyed the car show Saturday.

So on to the climb. As the old saying goes, "I'm not telling you it's going to be easy. I'm telling you it's going to be worth it." This week I want the mountain side to focus on the one formula that will deliver us the result we seek. The one set of instructions that will take us to the peak of this mountain & keep us in tune with ourselves for the remainder of our lives, so we never return to the valley; to start this climb again. Three simple words that drive the message deep into our psyche & ingrain it into our being.


Did you hear me? DO NOT QUIT. That is the secret the world is searching for to answer weight loss woes. DO NOT QUIT, is the simplicity of the process that has been bastardized by so many out there seeking to sell snake oil to "help us lose weight." DO NOT QUIT, has never been marketed. DO NOT QUIT, is too plain. DO NOT QUIT, is not sexy enough to sell. DO NOT QUIT, isn't long enough to fill air time on an infomercial. People wont buy, DO NOT QUIT.

But I say, DO NOT QUIT delivers. DO NOT QUIT, is what you do after you fall. DO NOT QUIT, will build the better you. DO NOT QUIT, squashes excuses. DO NOT QUIT, stokes the fire of motivation within your soul. DO NOT QUIT, will chisel away the body you have & create the body you want. DO NOT QUIT, will allow you to climb mountains. DO NOT QUIT, will put you on that peak.

Why? Because DO NOT QUIT takes effort. DO NOT QUIT, is no shortcut. DO NOT QUIT, is not available in a pill. DO NOT QUIT, is not available in a liquid. DO NOT QUIT, is not a tangible object. DO NOT QUIT, can not be held in your hand.

Well Jon, if DO NOT QUIT is none of those things, where do I get it? DO NOT QUIT, is a mentality. DO NOT QUIT, is a mental state of being. DO NOT QUIT, is a mindset that must be adopted, in order to free you, from that you wish to escape. DO NOT QUIT, is in each of us. We just have to find it.

Well Jon, what do I do when I find it? You'll know.

Now, strap on your gear this fine morning gang. Let's go climbing. There's a mountain out there waiting to be conquered.
Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
172,4 kg 42,6 kg 81,6 kg 100%
   (34 komentar) Kehilangan 4,5 kg dalam 1 minggu

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