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09 Oktober 2015

Back with the intent to slow the process of my right kidney from failure. I have the will & drive to commit to whatever it takes to make my body healthy so I can grow older and watch my grandchildren grow....Also, would like to lose the weight and give support with diet with my wife whom is taking life more serious after her close encounter with death on Sept. 12, 2015. It's like she has been reborn as well. She quit smoking and is now commited to her diet and health...Here's to a horrible 2015 closure and looking forward to a healthier 2016.....I know I'm looking a few months ahead, but goals are meant to be set for the future :) Thank you to all my FS buddies and please help me support my wife (mpminnie) with her diet and commitment to a new and healthier lifestyle ;)

This basically sums up what I am going thru at this moment:::::::::::::::

Bill Hemmer: "You said cancer changes your life, and oftentimes for the better."
Joel Siegel: "Yes.... Gilda Radner... said this in her book. What cancer does is, it forces you to focus, to prioritize, and you learn what’s important. I mean, I don’t sweat the small stuff. I used to get angry at cab drivers. It’s not worth it.... And when somebody says you have cancer, you realize it’s all small stuff. And what Gilda said is, if it weren’t for the downside, everyone would want to have it. But there is a downside."
~American Morning, CNN, 13 June 2003

21 Mei 2015

21 Mei 2015

Two days ago Successthistime wrote in his journal about perspective & motivation. I decided today I wanted to touch ,more on this subject as to what does "MOTIVATION" mean to each and every one of you? How do you motivate yourself on a daily basis's? Does FS & the buddies you make really help? Is it your self perseverance? Maybe you have a big day you want to look great for? Anyway, we all have our "MOTIVATION" & reason's to why we're here to lose the weight....So let me start this conversation off with what I use to "MOTIVATE" me.....

M.....make short term goals (Don't make a goal that you know is unattainable to set yourself up for failure)

O.....out with the negative thoughts (Remember positive thought's are how we achieve our goals in life)

T.....think of why you want it (If you have a reason for doing, you try harder and do)

I.....imagine how you will feel (You complain about illness, not being able to run without breathing hard or whatever. When you lose you lose the health issues too)

V.....visualize the future you (I wanna live pass 70 and watch my granddaughters graduate, get married and have children, my great grandchildren)

A.....acknowledge your successes (I know I'm not going to do this over night, but losing even 1 pound a week is a huge success)

T.....treat yourself with respect (I am a caring loving individual. Just because I'm obese does not mean I don't have feelings)

I.....investigate new ideas and foods (I will do research on dieting. Learn what works for me and not do what works for others.)

O.....observe your healthy lifestyle (I will take notice of my goals and continue to improve on areas that need improvement)

N.....never give up and never give in (I don't know the word quit & I will "SUCCEED")

This is what I use to "MOTIVATE" myself. It may not be for everyone, but it's my "MOTIVATION" to succeed in my endevour of a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.....GOD BLESS!!!!HOAHH!!!

20 Mei 2015

19 Mei 2015

Laughter, it is said, is the best medicine. It is also makes for a great diet.

First, because it is impossible to eat and laugh at the same time, laughter prevents the consumption of calories.

Secondly, laughter can actually cause one to expel calories that have been ingested and are in line to be processed. Just ask any beer chugging, college freshman who has blown brew out of his nose during a joke's punch line.

Next, laughter increases your heart rate, your breathing rate, your body core temperature, and your skin's electrical potential, all of which significantly elevate the rate of caloric burn.

Finally, in rare but documented cases, laughers have been able to purge themselves of recently consumed calories as well as calories that have long since been stored as abdominal fat. This phenomenon can occur on the occasion of the delivery of an extremely funny joke and is known in layman's terms as "busting a gut laughing." In approximately 40 cases a year, this becomes a literal, fatal event.....

So here is a joke to help all my FS buddies "Bust a Gut".....

After visiting the doctor's office,I was prescribed some "diet pills". I tipped the scale at an obese weight of 276lbs. My doctor then said to me "I'm prescribing these pills for you, just spill them on the floor twice a day and pick them up, one at a time...."

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