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18 Juli 2011

18 Juli 2011

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
68,9 kg 2,3 kg 5,4 kg Buruk
   Tambahkan Komentar Memperoleh 0,8 kg dalam 1 minggu

01 Juli 2011

28 Juni 2011

I am really happy I have a new boy friend, but it is a balance for me eating with him. I have been cooking more and have not been measuring my food intake like I usally do during the week at breakfast and lunch. I am not sure of the calories of the things I am cooking with olive oil or light baking. I am trying to guess more and still eat healthy. NS was to easy to count calories. I am still on the weight up and down a few pounds every week. A bit frustrating. It is my own fault since I haven't been exercising with my planter faciitis. (heel pain) I had another dr appt yest. Not much therapy can do for me so I am on the route towards surgery it appears to remove the heel spur. I have a podietry appt in 3 weeks. It takes so long to get into the specialists here. Anything to get the bugger removed so I can move on with my life and start running again. I worked so hard to recover and now am set back months. Exercising has been low impact, and not to much calorie burn. I need to get motivated to rework my exercise program to be off my feet more and burning more calories. My daughter comes this weekend for a summer visit. I will have to enlist her to get on the healthy bandwagon with me. I will all work out, challenge and all:)

27 Juni 2011

Berat badan: Sejauh ini Berkurang: Sisa: Diet diikuti:
66,7 kg 4,5 kg 3,2 kg Cukup Baik
   Tambahkan Komentar Memperoleh 0,1 kg dalam 1 minggu

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