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I have got to say..
Every time my husband and I go out without the kids.. I have someone ask if it's our first.. I normally laugh and say no I have twins and a 1 yo at home.. And people look at me like I have a second head.. So this is number 4?! Conversation normally ends there with a wow or crazy look.. Is 4 kids really that crazy? Not like I have a tlc show amount of kids.. It's 4..
I grew up a only child (I had a half sister who was 8 years older and isn't live with us) and I always knew I wanted a bigger family close together in age.. Are we really weird?

Although we will be having 4 kid, 4 and younger, so maybe we are a little weird and crazy, but that's just from the lack of sleep. 😀

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I don't think it's weird, just old school. I had three in the mid-80's. By the time my youngest was born, his big brother was 4 and his big sister was a little under 2... 
11 Apr 18 oleh anggota: FarmerJeannine
A lot of people will think it's crazy. But, it's not crazy. I have five. All precious and wonderful.  
11 Apr 18 oleh anggota: HardDaysKnight
Good grief, I have a friend who has 9 kids and another baking #8 right now. 4 is not unusual!  
11 Apr 18 oleh anggota: LSG417
Not weird - congratulations! 
11 Apr 18 oleh anggota: HCB
It just shows that you guys are highly motivated! Congratulations! 
11 Apr 18 oleh anggota: Betsy Boo
You are not weird, people that judge others are weird. Happy Family and lucky kids! 
11 Apr 18 oleh anggota: Little Red Fox
Congrats. I'm 57, we had three kids, now grown and gone, and they have kids of their own. If I had a do-over I would have had three more. 
11 Apr 18 oleh anggota: adamevegod1
4 is great! I had three, would have had more if my ex husband had been willing. Large families are full of life and never a dull or quiet time, enjoy all those kiddos!  
11 Apr 18 oleh anggota: jenniferl12003
It is hard for some people to raise children and the fact that you have chosen to make a big commitment to have the family you want. The really hard part is when the kids get big enough to have their own opinions! So congratulations and best wishes! 
11 Apr 18 oleh anggota: abbadabba
Do U! Do what makes your family happy! Don't listen to any of "noise in the market." 
11 Apr 18 oleh anggota: marshakanady
you are doing what makes you happy - that is what matters. We had three boys...not weird...maybe a little crazy...but not weird.  
11 Apr 18 oleh anggota: tahoebrun
Although all mine are grown I had 4 kids. When my youngest were born I had a 7 (by three weeks), a13 month old and newborn twins!it was hard sometimes but I loved it. Ended up divorced when the twins were around 5 so I raised them on my own! I don’t know why people act like 4 is so crazy but who cares. Enjoy your babies and hug them tight, they grow up way too fast. I now have four wonderful adults who treat me like a queen. Congratulations on #4!! 
11 Apr 18 oleh anggota: dkr61
I have twins (girls) too , they are 7 years old and a two years old boy , I love big families, but lately I have changed my mind, so I think I am done with 3, you don't have to pay attention what others say, there is nothing wrong with your "big family" 
11 Apr 18 oleh anggota: Keilin_4


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