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1 month and 4 days.......My friends win!!!

As you all know I was going to quit writing my blogs yesterday because of some crappy messages I have recieved. I have over 20 people who like what I have to say. So If you disagree with something I say you can keep it to yourself. This is an example of what I am talking about

If you walk 10,000 steps a day seven days a week that will equal one pound of weightloss a week!- (is what I said)

( the know- it- alls response)
"Not sure where you got this information - but pretty sure it's not accurate. You can't state this as a fact. Everyone burns calories differently- gender, age, weight, type of activity, physical fitness level, all play a role and just b/c someone walks 10k steps a day does not mean they will lose 1 lb. Sorry, just don't want you to mislead anyone."

I read a article on a fitness site that stated this, so ok I didn't read it in a book, and it wasn't written in blood. I am sure if you walk 10,000 steps a day that you could lose a pound a week. That is like 10 miles, If I walked 10 miles I would lose a pound I am sure of it.

I made another statement about exercising that everyone can do something no matter what shape they are in, If they are bed ridden they could do arms exercises, or if they have bad knees use the pedals like I have from walmart and this is the response I got and not just 1 but 6 like this!!

"Thanks, kiasardan. I just wanted to make sure I understood what you were saying, and I respectfully disagree. I believe that exercise, while good for overall health, is fairly irrelevant to weight loss."

I personally think that is crazy talk!

Since all of my friend's comments yesterday, I am going to ignore the haters. The haters are right I repeat things I have heard I didn't go to college for health and fitness, but neither did they, not a one of them has M.D. behind their name!! So I will continue to blog and hope I can keep the criticism at arms length.

I want to give a giant thank you for all the support you have all given me, I like my group and personal messages you write me I can tell you, without you I definitely would have eaten king cake already.........lol.......

Speaking of King Cake my son got student of the month for kindergarten today. They had a lunch with the principal. They served King Cake, subway, chips and coke. I fed the king cake to the baby and ate the piece of ham and cheese from out my sandwich. But when I went to the gas station that honey bun was calling me so I picked it up and I looked at the carbs--- 49 grams a serving and It was two servings so I didn't give in. Wasn't worth a week of exercise!

Today I had 4 sausage sticks, 2 eggs and coffee with cream for breakfast, I had a piece of ham and cheese(at mikey's school) I had popeyes chicken no crust for lunch, and am having a sauteed pulled pork cassarole for dinner. Exercise is a least 10,000 steps. I have 2,400 so far---so I got to get movin--I will probably get on the eliptical while the biggest loser is on. Have a great week and thanks again!!

Weightloss 24 pounds so far!

I am so sorry I didn't chime in with your supporters! I don't have much time to read here and just catch things here and there on the fly. I am sorry that you had mean comments. I think everyone is entitled to their opinions and everything is not one size fits all. All we have to do is see how many people are losing weight while using entirely different ways of eating and exercise programs to see that. You have every right to post your ideas and opinions just as anyone else. Keep your head up and be yourself! 
31 Jan 12 oleh anggota: sierra1167
Hey Kiasardan, Keep posting and I'll keep reading! 
31 Jan 12 oleh anggota: mptubbs
When your on a public message board, you have to develop a thick skin. Post what makes you happy and ignore what upsets you. You can't read tone on message boards so sometimes people mean things in a good way but it comes out wrong. Your doing great so just keep going and don't let anyone deter you from posting. 
31 Jan 12 oleh anggota: Suzi161
I am not on here to be torn down, I want support and just bashing everthing i say is silly, this is a journal right, I have alot of more people who share my opinions than disgree, if people on here are so unhappy they can just leave me alone, I don't want to hear it!!!! 
31 Jan 12 oleh anggota: kiasardan
WTF is wrong with these people? I can't figure out how you've attracted so many negative comments. I agree with you - if they don't like what you write, they don't need to read it. We should be building one another up, not criticizing. You could always lock your journal to just your buddies and then delete the idiots. 
31 Jan 12 oleh anggota: jimmie65


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