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Jurnal bethinfriend, 09 Des 16

I ate pho the other night...first time of the month the I ever ate dinner..I bowl of pho and I gained my weight back ...
that is 3 pounds + on the scale....
I feel so depressed , I look at my body , I look at my face, I wanna kill myself
I tried so hard with all these calorie restrictions...
1 time , just dinner for 1 time I can't forgive myself
I don't go out , I was suppose to go to church today but I feel so bad
I tried so hard ...and it's not working ...
I dont wanna eat anything anymore
If i starve to death
let it be
I'm so scared of food
I use the treadmill for hours
but it doesn't help
if I eat one time , I gain weight
I really don't want this life anymore
I'm suffering .....I want acceptance , I want a boyfriend ...I'm alone 99% of the time.
I feel really really bad ...can someone please talk to me ..I feel so depressed about my weight ....
I feel defeated

Hey Beth. This is why I am worried about you. You seem either really happy or really depressed. I am concerned you are a prime candidate for developing an eating disorder and thats not a road you wanna start travelling on. Ok so deep breath. Remember its near that time of the month for you. This is hormonal, just chemistry... take a relaxing bath, listen to good music, meditate, sleep, do something nice for you. Tell your mind you are not going to entertain such thoughts, that these feelings will pass and when they do, then you will re-look at your weight loss journey. You may want to think later about booking an appointment to see a doctor or womens health ( family planning) to talk about your mood swings and periods. Maybe book in to see a Nutritionist. Join weight watchers or jenny craig so you can meet others on the same journey are you. Wish I could hang round to chat with you but I have the step kids this weekend. Take it easy, dont be so hard on yourself.. life is hard enough. 
09 Des 16 oleh anggota: sammysylvain
Give yourself a break. It's just one dinner. You already bought yourself a treadmill. That's a start and you should be proud of yourself! This is a journey, of course there will be up and down. Anyway, do you cook by yourself? I prefer home cooking so that I could eat twice a day and manage the calories of each food. Have you consider weight training? 
09 Des 16 oleh anggota: MKondiet
oh and by the way YOU HAVE LOST AN INCREDIBLE AMOUNT SO FAST! Its only to be expected you glitch up a little here and there, especially around this time of the month. Long term weight loss is usually a slow and steady path. 3 steps forward and 2 back.. eventually you get to the goal. 
09 Des 16 oleh anggota: sammysylvain
This little blip will be gone again in no time. Don't be so hard on yourself! It takes time to get the weight off, you didn't gain it overnight and you can't lose it overnight either. It is hard to be patient, we all want instant gratification, but it doesn't work that way. Keep doing what you know you need to do and be kind to yourself! 
09 Des 16 oleh anggota: rhontique
@sammy, Mkondiet, & rhombique, thank you for commenting on my journal . I feel like I gave myself too much food to eat, after 12/9 I really gave up on my diet and started binging because I feel like if just one meal at night killed all my past efforts , what is the point of keep trying? but now I am back on track . thank you for your supports! 
16 Des 16 oleh anggota: bethinfriend
it can be hard to stay motivated when you see the numbers on the scale growing, but remember, doing this safely and carefully will keep the weight off long term! 
16 Des 16 oleh anggota: thatsoontobeskinnybitch
Don't give up! Perseverance is the key. As Rhontique said already, you didn't gain it over night and you can't lose it over night. Just tell yourself, "I know I will win the battle. I know I will." and you will. :) 
16 Des 16 oleh anggota: Birdwathcer


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