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Jurnal bethinfriend, 07 Des 16

What?another journal for today?
hehe~ today is like my cheat day I eat whatever I'm not suppose to eat (artificial sugar , salty food etc)
but ! I went to the store and tried on a few pieces of cloth , and I realized hey my body shape is not that bad!
Not bad at all ! I have small head , wide shoulders, short torso and long legs ~ i'm 5'6'' (which is almost 168cm tall) and my waist is 28 (even though I weight 160+ pounds ,and I'm a D cup girl ) ◟( •ω•  )◞

I think I start to love my self image more and more ~ don't give a shit about what others think ~
I bought two jackets which look really nice on me ~ I'm asian but I have curves ! ( ゜∀゜) that is one more thing to be happy about ~

Need to keep up the good work for the rest of December , my goal is to go down to 150 pounds by the end of this month ! When I'm down to 110 pounds I'll be really happy about my body and I'll stop ! Ⴚტ◕‿◕ტჂ

Glad you are feeling a little better about yourself. Lots of girls would kill to be a D cup! 
08 Des 16 oleh anggota: rhontique


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