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In an effort to stay on track, here's my journal entry for the day (Sat, Dec 17th).

Out of Control Eating. That sums up my day. Yesterday i cooked chicken for the weekend, i was all geared up to get back on track. I was even thinking about getting serious and food journaling now, instead of waiting for the first of the year. Then i got to work and told people about the pumpkin spice cake muffins i made. I demonstrated (several times) how good they were with butter cream frosting. But then i had a great salad with my chicken and it felt good to being eating healthy. But out came the caramel popcorn. And the chex mix. Of course, i had to have my good high protein breakfast. . .

I ate ALL day even though I wasn't hungry. I asked myself if that cake was worth it? And i asked myself 'why?' All i could come up with was that i wanted it. Was it comfort eating? Was it "-ation" eating - frustration, menstruation, etc? Maybe. But all i could think was, "its good and i want it!" And I was absolutely miserable. Bloated, pants tight, indigestion, etc. And yet, I kept eating. and some of it was healthy - almonds - but I wasn't hungry.

TMI Alert!
The only thing I can say in my defense is that perhaps it's partially because I'm constipated. I've noticed sometimes I'm compelled to overeat in that situation and I wonder if it's a subconcious attempt to get things moving. Also, I started my period full force yesterday (16th). I went 3 months with no period, had one, then 2 weeks later (9th) started having a tinge of color which lasted a week. Then full period yesterday. Obviously my system is out of whack.

I'm under a tremendous amount of stress - 2 jobs, worried about my sons emotional health, finances, house repairs, etc I feel quite desperate, really. Very intense. At the same time I also want to distance myself emotionally. I feel helpless about my living situation, about my son, etc. It almost feels like if I can distance myself that it won't hurt as bad when the "inevitable' happens. I've got to do something - but what?!?

No wonder I'm eating out of control.

Random question - Whats your blood type? www.Dadamo.com could help provide some insight for you. I know it shocked me a bit with how right on it was about some of my personal weirdness that turns out is actually pretty predictable! Just a thought that might help a bit to be armed with that knowledge. 
18 Des 11 oleh anggota: Dani_Suave
dani_suave i was reading up on that not too long ago! so nice to see someone agree. i had a (personal)theory that those people who can not tolerate carbs are blood type 0. not sure this is true or not, but people i have asked in my daily life also it is sure pointing that way. karen it is very good info to read.. im sorry to hear you are under such enormous stress, that surely can not be helping, especially right now around an already hectic time of year. i hope things improve for you very soon 
18 Des 11 oleh anggota: fraggler0ck
Those cravings and those unexplainable needs for food are tough to handle sometimes. It really takes a lot in the beginning. However, you DO know what is wrong and what is right, and once you you start doing them you will soon see the joy of doing right. Think of how you felt eating the chicken and the salad. That's what you want to be feeling all the time, right? Also, try to dig deep into yourself and try to find out what your true motivation is for losing weight. What do you want to accomplish (and no, "Being thin" is not the answer - ask yourself what you're hoping to "fix" by being thin - that is your motivation!) by losing weight? Try to find the drive to do this. It's there somewhere - but it has to be dug out! 
18 Des 11 oleh anggota: kingkeld


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