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Im not sure if anyone really reads my journal entry...but I felt like I should log back in. I've been running away from my promise to myself to lose this last 30-35pounds. Im happy with the progress I made now in the 170's, but I cant seem to push forward to break the 170's.

Life has really been stressful, I read back to my journal entry's last year and would never see myself where I am now. I moved country, no family just new friends no boyfriend...the loneliness is palpable. Hence why I am on here just to get somethings off my chest.

I hate to think this way but I cant help but put my weight as a fault for things that are going 'wrong'. But like Im sure most of the people on fatsecret know...weight can effect all aspects of ones life...whether or not yo like it!!

I know I'll pull through...I have faith that I will. Im not a lady gaga fan much but I think of the words...'on the edge of glory'. Even though things couldnt be any worse....they are rock bottom, I still have this little slither of faith that things will turn around.

I pray I get things back on track and things turn positive.

Good Luck everyone!! Lets keep/stay/get back ON TRACK!!

Congratulations on your success so far! It can be really hard to stick with it-not only is it actually harder to lose weight, but with all of the changes in your life your body is going to have trouble adjusting as well. It's hard to not get stuck in self-defeating thoughts. I've been focusing on becoming more positive, so when I do get down on myself, I try to replace anything negative I say or feel with 2 positive things. It does help! Good luck! 
23 Jun 11 oleh anggota: Anhl


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