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Jurnal squigglywiggly, 07 Mei 11

My husband came home last night with a letter saying that he has a
disciplinary hearing on Tuesday and he may lose his job :(

He messed up an order at work, and the customers (we think they might
have been conmen from the start) got away with over $600 of goods they
never paid for. My hubby was extremely overworked at the time and it was a genuine mistake.

He is very very stressed, as am I. He still has a long day at work
today, and he is cleaning out his locker just in case. Finding a job
in our city is not easy right now as tens of thousands have lost their
workplaces and jobs since the quake. And being fired from your last job
is never good.

Please please pray for his job situation, and for peace of mind for him
as well. He barely slept last night. We have enough stress over the
quakes and lack of heating and everything without having this over us as well.

I really don't know how much more we can cope with.

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It seems when it rains it pours for you. With everything the two of you have been through it is understandable that mistakes can be made. I will pray for both of you. 
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: davidsmom
Much love my friend. So sorry you are dealing with this, along with all the other stuff (quakes, heat, etc.). Asking God to lift you and yours in these times.  
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: kmartin
Squiggs, I am soooo sorry, and of course we will pray for your hubby's job. Surely the company that your hubby works for will understand that what happened was not something that he did on purpose and in the aftermath of the quake was bound to happen to every company. Love ya and big hugs my dear, sweet friend...my heart is aching for both of you! 
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: ctlss
Mistakes happen. Surely they will understand that. I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts. 
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: esimnons
Certainly they'll have to understand that honest mistakes can happen to the best people in the best of cirumstances, let alone in the midst of the crisis your entire city is in right now. I'll be praying for everything to turn out just fine for your husband and you. Many hugs.... 
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Thank you Davidsmom. Torrential rain lately in our lives!  
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: squigglywiggly
Thank you Keli, much appreciated! 
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: squigglywiggly
Let hope they do Stef, please pray for peace for my hubby today. It will be a long stressful day for him. I wish I could stop crying! 
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: squigglywiggly
thank you Esimnons.  
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: squigglywiggly
I know Sandy, surely they have to! It not then it is their loss as he is an amazingly hard worker. We just have to trust that God will provide, whatever happens.  
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: squigglywiggly
Praying you and your husband that you can get a break from all you have already gone through. Sending lots of LOVE AND HUGS......Bren 
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: BHA
well it never rains but it pours and I really hope things work out for you guys. I know how hard it is to lose a job and finding a new one is never easy no matter the circumstances but in yours it would be tougher. I really hope that the disciplinary hearing takes into consideration that it is a highly stressful time for everyone, and that they look at his past work record with them before they decide to let him go. He is human after all and humans do make mistakes. I will be thinking of you. 
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: pixidaisy
Thanks Bren. Prayers, love and hugs much needed right now for sure! 
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: squigglywiggly
You are totally right Pixi. I have faith that everything will get sorted eventually and that life will settle down. I hope! 
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: squigglywiggly
Ugh another good sized earthquake. I have enough to cope with right now without the ground moving under us :(  
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: squigglywiggly
Squigglywiggly I can't believe you are going through all this. I can't believe your hubby will lose his job over a genuine mistake, we all make mistakes. It is so sad that people come in to cheat will cheat and then you all have to suffer when he is just doing his job. I am sending many prayers your way that things will turn out well for you both...and hopefully the quakes will stop I am sure you have all had enough. Many Hugs.  
06 Mei 11 oleh anggota: Yvonne19
Squigglywiggly: I am praying for you and your hubby! Everything will turn out OK... BIG HUGS TO YOU! :) Cheryl from CA 
07 Mei 11 oleh anggota: moondove
Squiggs, sending you hugs and praying for you my friend! My brother is on his round the world trip at the moment and he is in Australia at the moment! He plans to get to Christchurch in the next month and I have told him all about you and what your going through! He has said that if you need his help while his there to let me know and he will see what he can do!  
07 Mei 11 oleh anggota: Mccmad
I hope the ground stops shaking, the rain stops pouring & your hubby keeps his job, and you get some peace in your life! Wishing you all the best from Wisconsin. 
07 Mei 11 oleh anggota: gg-girl
Squiggs, just stopping in to let you know both hubby and I am thinking of you and your hubby, praying for you and your hubby, and sending you and hubby big cyber hugs. Love you my sweet friend. Happy Mother's Day!  
07 Mei 11 oleh anggota: ctlss


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