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Jurnal northernmusician, 26 Okt 14

Okay, so no moose. Tomorrow is 'sort out the diet' day. Tuesday, I'll log my weight.

13 Suporter    Dukung   

awww, man. 
27 Okt 14 oleh anggota: chadlius88
sorry, NM.  
27 Okt 14 oleh anggota: br_e_co
Tsk. Sorry 
27 Okt 14 oleh anggota: FullaBella
Buying a beef. 
27 Okt 14 oleh anggota: northernmusician
I was going to make a comment about how at least now, you don't have to figure out the macros for moose meat. But.... I checked FS and "cooked moose" is already in the database. haha Beef is good too, it's just a lot more expensive than wild moose.  
27 Okt 14 oleh anggota: bigbassbrent
How's the pooch doing? 
27 Okt 14 oleh anggota: DairyKing
Beef is a little more expensive. Maybe not when you figure out how long it's been since I got a moose. I think 3 years. Add the gas, equipment, and licence fees, it adds up. DK Tika is doing great. She's napping right now. 
27 Okt 14 oleh anggota: northernmusician
Good Luck :)  
27 Okt 14 oleh anggota: Vickylyn
What a beautiful puppy! Does she like moose? 
27 Okt 14 oleh anggota: BuffyBear
You two are adorable. Can't decide who is cuter. It's a toss up. You both win! 
27 Okt 14 oleh anggota: mrsmole
What about trying to get an Elk? 
27 Okt 14 oleh anggota: Rockiesfan
I will make you a consolation mousse.  
27 Okt 14 oleh anggota: Instantcrazy
The DOG is so adorable! Glad you "rescued" the dog! 
27 Okt 14 oleh anggota: HCB
Tika has never had moose. We're out! :( She does enjoy a piece of cooked bear sausage though. Crazy. How much mousse are you making? Can it be cut up and put in the freezer and eaten over time? 
28 Okt 14 oleh anggota: northernmusician
Hmm...that is a good question. Maybe I will just send you some hair mousse. Far less calories.  
28 Okt 14 oleh anggota: Instantcrazy
HCB. Pretty sure this dog has 'rescued' us. We have a love seat that has 4 inch legs under it. Tika has a favourite toy. A rubber chicken (in a bikini, plaid of course,) that squeeks when you sqeeze it. Ginger hated it. I still miss that dog. Tika loves it. I got a video of Tika playing with the chicken. All you could see was legs of the chicken sticking out from under the love seat. Suddenly the legs were gone and there was a squack. Then the chicken came back into view. Then a dog head appeared and dragged the chicken back under. I got about 2 minutes of it. Mostly all you ever saw was a paw or a head coming out to drag that poor chicken back under. 
29 Okt 14 oleh anggota: northernmusician


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