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Revelation: exercise is fun!

Anyone who, like me, has been out of action physically for a good number of years will understand the trepidation I felt when considering venturing back into the world of exercise. Ever heard of the saying “no pain, no gain”? I always took that quite literally. I assumed that exercise had to be gruelling and painfully arduous. The traumatic memories of school gym classes, which generally were rather unpleasant experiences, only served to solidify this idea in my mind. Seriously, I think those school classes & changing rooms put a lot of people off for life. There are a great many stories I could tell about how awful gym class was. However, I think I may have changed my mind!

Today was my gym induction and, after a lovely girl showed me how to use the machines and talked me through what kind of things I should start with, I did my first half-hour gym workout. It was lovely to just have some time to myself and far from feeling uncomfortable around skinny little gym-addicts running away on the treadmills, I didn't feel bad at all and actually got a few smiles from the other gym-users. Honestly, I rather enjoyed it all and can’t wait to go back! However, I do realise that I could probably do with more guidance, so I’ve booked myself in to start doing a proper training programme next week. I’m even heading back tonight for my 2nd Zumba class.

My advice to anyone worried about exercising, for any reason at all, is to go for it. Yeah, I was the biggest person there, but it didn’t matter and no one treated me any differently. It doesn’t have to be painful or unpleasant and I’m certainly not in any pain. If, like me, you have any injuries or health problems get them to show you what exercises you can still do without injuring yourself. It is totally worth the money. Gym is a Win. DO IT!

Everything seems to be going in the right direction so I’m still feeling really positive. Well, I do have one problem. Anyone following my journal might remember that dress I was talking about for the wedding I’m attending in a couple of weeks. Well I seem to have hit a bit of a snag…I tried it on again today with a burgundy shrug I had bought to cover me up a little, and it’s gone a bit baggy! I’ve lost about a stone since I bought the dress and I didn’t really realise I would lose that much before I have to wear it, so not really sure what to do about that.

Controversially, I also think I’m losing the weight too quickly. I know there are a lot of people out there who think the faster the better and would be jumping for joy at my current rate of decline, but at the end of the day I want health improvements and that’s not necessarily the same thing as a “diet”. Therefore I’m actually going to increase my caloric intake over the next week (don’t want to do anything too sudden) and will see how that goes. That should hopefully make sure I am indeed losing fat and not muscle.

Finally, it’s now the 15th of the month, which means is time for a goal check-in!

1. One day a week, eat no cheese whatsoever

Week 2 - done! I actually had planned the food for the day without even realising there was no cheese involved until later!

2. Take the time to cook something “proper” once a week

Week 2 - done! Made pasta from scratch with the family AND pizza from scratch.

3. Not eat out for lunch at work at all in April

Week 2 - done! It was actually kinda easy...Friday is my usual "eat out" day, and I took this Friday off lol.

4. Join a gym and acquire the necessary clothing to actually go - no excuses!

Week 2 - done! I went and I loved it!

5. Believe that I can succeed

Week 2 - done! Still feeling positive. I know I can do this. I feel like I can finally get back the life I wanted!

Lihat Kalender Diet, 15 April 2011:
1517 kkal Lemak: 59,19g | Prot: 65,65g | Karb: 179,15g.   Makan Pagi: Oats So Simple - Golden Syrup. Makan Siang: Frosties, Boiled Egg, Mature cheese, Toasted White Bread. Makan Malam: Roasted Mushroom Lasagne. Camilan/Lainnya: ski smooth. lagi...
3734 kkal Latihan: Latihan Beban (Sedang) - 10 menit, Bersepeda (Santai) - <16 km/jam - 10 menit, Berjalan (Lambat) - 3 km/jam - 10 menit, Tari (Gerak Cepat, Aerobik) - 1 jam, Istirahat - 14 jam dan 30 menit, Tidur - 8 jam. lagi...

I love your entries!!!! I remember when I first joined my gym back in 2008 - I was so self concious and overweight I was worried people would think I was this big fat blob. Nope, not that way at all! Everyone is always willing to chat, share advice, and even just give a little smile. Now, I look forward to my time at the gym and have some "gym friends" (most of them being old ladies who ask me tips about my workout, but hey, I'll take it!). I like your goal of not eating out at lunch - let me tell you I think that was where I gained all my weight. Office jobs always order out lunch and I was eating more calories at lunch versus my dinners!!! I now get up 5 minutes earlier and take the time to make my lunch daily. Nothing's better then saving a bit of extra money and eating something healthy. I wish you the best of luck next week with your diet and hope you can do as well as you did this week!! :) post more journals too, I like reading your progress and thoughts! 
15 Apr 11 oleh anggota: healthy_allie
Good for you...I missing my food pics..... 
15 Apr 11 oleh anggota: thecoach
Lol! Don't worry, coach, there will be more food pics soon! And thanks to Allie for the wonderful encouragement; it's exactly what I need. You guys rock :) 
15 Apr 11 oleh anggota: Sheonamcc
Exercise fun - you know - you sound so convincing that I've decided to go for it too :) Actually I already have a gym-subscription but I "haven't got the time" to go - yes I know, a lame excuse. So over the next week I'll go 3 times! Promise :D Oh - and you definately know your way when it comes to words - you describe your thoughts so clear and sharp, it almost seems like you're saying it out loud. About loosing weight 'too fast' as you put it, that was a concern of mine too the first week. Yes I know the first pounds are the easy ones and then later it's more a struggle. I was going to concentrate on eating a bit more too, but actually it evened out over the last weeks and I suppose my system is adapting to the new routines. So I'm just sticking in there - not cheating - eating sensible and enjoying every day. Enjoy your weekend and stay on top - that's where you belong :)  
15 Apr 11 oleh anggota: Makitsi
Right on! Glad you went to the gym and liked it. It really is fun, and there really is a lot of stuff to do there. I took weight training my senior year in High School and found it very different from the PE classes of the previous 3 years. I wish now I would've stayed in that lifestyle after High School so I wouldn't be in the boat I'm in now. I have been going to the gym for a month now, with a personal trainer, and have been pushed SO hard every day. I actually almost passed out my first session...Oops! lol. But he really has gotten me started and motivated and now I love to go to the gym and look forward to it. If you can afford it, I'd recommend a personal trainer for at least a month so you can condition yourself for exercising. My gym only charged $500 for a trainer for a month @ 3 sessions a week. If not, dedicate yourself to go a few times a week for at least a month and after that I'm sure you'll not be looking for excuses not to go any more. lol Cardio is good, don't forget to incorporate weights into your workout! Women won't bulk like men do, and the more muscle you have, the more cals you burn. :-) Good job and here's to hoping you keep going! 
16 Apr 11 oleh anggota: warpedlogic


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