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I posted the beginning of this in my Daily check-in group, but wanted to put it here in my journal also since it is important I see it here.
Well that 1/2 pound did register today, back up...eeekkk hate that. Also I posted I'm at 172 but my ticker shows 174? At least it did yesterday, lets see what it does today.
I did see something amusing on Facebook today, it was a 'funny' with a scale and had the caption; "This scale will only tell you the numerical value of your gravitational pull. It will not tell you how beautiful you are, how much your friends & family love you, or how amazing you are" It showed that it was found at http://recovery.has.set.me.free.tumblr.com/
I'm kind of lazy today, just not motivated to do much of anything. I had plans of doing a lot this weekend, but oh well, we sometimes need the 'do nothing weekends'. Just seems like most of my weekends have been like that! Happy Labor Day to ALL
That is the end of my Daily check-in post.
But I wanted to add more. I did exercise yesterday in the ocean walking against the current, I will try to get out there again today, but I just don't feel motivated. Plus I do have full time mother duty. That is really taking a toll on me. I just don't understand how I'm going to survive this stress with her. The Alzheimer's is in the middle to early late stage I guess. I think it is difficult to pin point the exact stage and what is to come and when, guess that is why it is so frustrating. She is physically very healthy, probably better than me. She is in her own little world, she talks sometimes, will repeat things you say and kind of answer questions, but doesn't know who I am. She walks around, and 'plays' with cards, dolls and other toys. She feeds herself (kind of) But not go to the bathroom on her own or shower or dress herself completely. The bathroom issues are very stressful for me (wears full time Depends). She really doesn't have any stress that I can tell. So what is going to happen? I just don't know. All I know is add to that my financial concerns and a job I don't like, and other issues and sometimes I feel I just want to pull the covers over my head and forget everything. I could sure use a drink, but I know if I do, that will lead to going off my woe right now and I have to keep this up, even though my weight is going up/down (down very slow) and it sneaks back on even when I do everything right. I'm also tired of 'friends' giving me advise as to I must be doing something wrong since I don't loose weight like they do when they just do hardly anything to loose and can go out for beer and snacks on the weekends and not gain a pound. Or if they do, it is off in 2 days.
Oh I just very tired.
Last year my dad passed away. He had Parkinson's and I was full time caregiver for him also. I work in a family business so I would get up everyday, deal with both of them, and on weekdays take them both to work. At work I would have to keep an eye on them and do my job. Although everyone thought it wasn't much to take care of them, they really had no idea. I wasn't sure I would survive my dad. He had physical challenges but his mind was ok. (dad was 87 when he passed, mom is now 89). Honestly I don't understand why there are these diseases, they are so cruel. My dad would fall and I would have to get him off the floor. I hurt my back so the last year of his life, when he was on the floor I would call my brother (20 minutes away) or the fire/police dept to help get him up again. He also wore Depends full time. I just don't understand and I feel like I will never be free. I'm just too old to be in this situation (60 last March) I don't think I'll ever be able to retire and I feel I am doomed, like I'm in prison. Sure there are ok days, well maybe not FULL days but ok times. BUT nothing changes and I have to come back to reality.
I have gotten better at making sure my brother takes my mom more often and sometimes at night so I can get some rest (can't sleep, if I do sleep I always wake up around 1-2am) but sometimes it is like I am asking him to do me a favor. I know he has his challenges with his wife and issues BUT I need help or I won't be good for anyone. She (my mom) can't afford in home care. There is a part time day care (during weekdays)9-2 that offers free of charge games, lunch and social activities through COA close to work, BUT they can't be in Depends. I just don't know what to expect or how long this will go on.
Sorry to go off on this but I really felt I needed to vent.

First of all those so called friends are not your friends, if they don't have one ounce of empathy in their body for you shame on them...You are so brave to take on such a challenging job looking after your Mom...My Mother also has Alzheimer's and is in a home that has lock down...she does not know any of her children and is confined to a wheelchair all day...This has been a long term deal and she is 89 years old too...My Sisters go twice a week to see her but I am unable as I am 3500 miles away.. but it is hard for them to see her like this....I did visit once a year but she never knew me either...I give you so much credit for doing this God bless you...you are a saint... You friends should be supporting you with your journey to loose weight..not throwing out rude remarks...Just keep doing what you are doing, your under a lot of stress right now..I pray that something will work for you in all your challenges that you have on your plate right now...Asking God to help you...Bless you for all that you do...You are marvelous, not many can do what you are doing...I know I could not do it..I know my limits...and I am 66 yrs old...Don't be sorry venting, my goodness you need a friend and here on FS their are lots of us...Thinking of you!...I am here for you <3 Take care, and remember you have to look after yourself too...and if it means more Brother time, so be it!!! xoxox 
01 Sep 14 oleh anggota: Re-energize
JMA312, I am really sorry to hear about your mom and what you are going through being the caregiver. My mother had the same illness and lived with my brother and his wife. My sister-in law contacted Hospice and they were able to send helpers into the home several times a week. This was such a blessing for everyone. If Hospice is unable to help you, at least they can put you in touch with those who can. You can not do this alone...take care of yourself. 
02 Sep 14 oleh anggota: Hoffner
I understand your frustration and sorrow. Hang in there. :( 
02 Sep 14 oleh anggota: Optimistic57
thank you all for your words. I did get a break last night. I had a class so my brother had my mom and I had him keep her overnight so I finally got a full nights sleep and even dreamt. It was nice while it lasted but today was stressful at work. Oh well, guess I'll survive.  
03 Sep 14 oleh anggota: JMA312
God Bless your assisting your mom. Prayers being sent your way.  
03 Sep 14 oleh anggota: MomjjjaLou
(((Hugs))) You are a strong, wonderful person. Being a caregiver to two parents, and now one, is a huge challenge with a lot of stress, plus working a job. Take care of yourself. Vent with us all you want, you need a release for emotions, frustrations, stress, etc. None of that is good for a person to contain. 
03 Sep 14 oleh anggota: kattay


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