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I've got just 5 minutes until apple bread! I'm re-trying the recipe from Wheat Belly. That's the one I messed up on and just threw away. I screwed up my measurements and then tried to adjust (BIG mistake!), so it never set up when I baked it. It was one gooey mess.

Funny what getting the measurements right can do! Looks like it will turn out the way it's supposed to, although whether it tastes like anything I'd want to bake again, is another question.

Our pool heater is in place, the gas line has been run and the inspector passed the installation late yesterday. Now, we're waiting on the gas utility to come and switch out our meter to a larger one. THEN, we'll finally be ready to fire it up.

But the weather has turned colder again, so any use of the heater would just be a waste of energy at this point.

(Checked the bread....another 5 minutes, maybe.)

It's colder (for us) and windy today, so if I do any walking, it will be sometime this afternoon. I can always do Stairmaster instead, although the doggies will put on their sad faces that they're not going for a walk.

I did a little happy dance yesterday as the tax forms went off to the preparer. YAY!!!!!!!!

WOE is on a tipping point today. My weight did not move as expected, so after a good week, this is always when I'm seriously tempted to eat larger portions, or foods that I know are OK for Maint. but not weight loss. The bread recipe is a case in point. I guess I'm looking for a reward for having a good week. I should know better by now.

(Checked the bread. Another 5 minutes??? Hope I don't regret this.)

The bread recipe, BTW, while wheat-free and lower in NCs, is still higher calorie. If I can cut 10 slices from the loaf-pan size loaf, EACH slice is 318 calories, and 5.6 NC. Being gluten-free according to the author, the bread is supposed to be rather crumbly, so cutting it might be a real adventure. We shall see.....

How adventurous of you trying that recipe again! Hope it is everything you have been dreaming of as a reward for being good :) Hate that the scale didn't move for you. Weight loss is such a mysterious thing - one day we've got it all figured out and the next day we are clueless :(  
04 Mar 14 oleh anggota: BuffyBear
I hope the bread turns out better this time! Do you use chopped apples or unsweetened applesauce?? I know what you mean about the weight loss vs maintenance stuff. I'm there too...gotta just eat smaller portions and get more activity in but the weather is not co-operating! Sigh, soon hopefully.  
04 Mar 14 oleh anggota: aggie95
Buffy, the bread will be far from my dream bread (more like cake with buttercream frosting...), but it did turn out OK. Not a bad change. With all the almond flour and flaxseed meal, it really sticks with you! I guess that's not such a bad thing. :) 
04 Mar 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Aggie, I used unsweetened applesauce. I had to make up this recipe before DH ate up all the cups of the applesauce! LOL! Who knew he'd like THAT??? We were down to 3 of those cups and I needed 2 for the recipe, so I decided I'd better get after it before I lost an ingredient and had to turn it into pumpkin bread. Pumpkin would probably be ok too and I know there's no chance of DH gobbling up a can of pumpkin!! 
04 Mar 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Sure hope the bread turns out good and you have to say..."I will not make this bread again as its tooo tempting"..LOL...Bread is one of my weaknesses..love the stuff...WOW your getting your pool ready just in time for some fun in the sun...now if it would just warm up...Have a great day...:O) 
04 Mar 14 oleh anggota: BHA
Bren, the new meter should be installed on Thursday and DH is already talking about firing it up to swim this weekend when the outdoor temps should be about 70. I'd rather see it warmer than that, but we gotta try out the heater to make sure it works, right????? 
04 Mar 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Thanks for the review.  
04 Mar 14 oleh anggota: BuffyBear
let us know how the bread turns out.lucky at pool 
04 Mar 14 oleh anggota: leekrek
04 Mar 14 oleh anggota: BHA


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