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Survived a contractor!

Yesterday, our pest control company called to schedule our annual termite inspection for today - if possible, due to a cancellation. Oh, all right, I thought.

This morning, I spent my time straightening up, vacuuming, and in general, trying to make up for weeks of neglect! Not easy to do in just 3-4 hours! For those who don't have to get these kind of inspections, the company comes in and goes over the entire house.....closets, cabinets, every room, even the garage...at floor level and also around windows. Did I mention, they also go around the entire perimeter of the house and go up into the attic? Things like this are a necessary evil in my opinion, but they seem so intrusive to me. I tell myself that these people probably see some real dumpy places and that mine is a far cry from that, but I still stress over it more than any reasonable person would.

I skipped breakfast, proper, to do the straightening, just munching all sorts of things along the way. Didn't walk, either. Fortunately, the guy was on time, so I forced myself to take the doggies out for our full walk after he left. After all, it was partly sunny and 73 degrees! I even wore shorts! One just can't skip walking in this kind of weather.

My foods are off schedule for the day and I haven't quite decided how to manage them for the rest of the day. But I know I need something soon, as I'm beginning to feel the start of hunger building.....and that is definitely NOT good! I'm off to find some grub!

Lihat Kalender Diet, 18 Februari 2014:
1944 kkal Latihan: Berjalan (Latihan) - 5,5 km/jam - 53 menit, Istirahat - 15 jam dan 7 menit, Tidur - 8 jam. lagi...

LOL ... I can't leave the house (comfortably) if the bed isn't made and there are dishes in the sink... I guess I don't want burglars thinking badly of me. Finally getting around to eating today just now myself - I always keep tuna on hand for these times.  
18 Feb 14 oleh anggota: FullaBella
Bella, I get to that point where I wonder why I should even care what a pest control contractor, who I don't even know and will probably never see again, thinks of my home. Just one of my quirks, I guess. 
18 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
I certainly understand you on both counts (eating off schedule and an stranger going through your home). Some things we just cannot help!  
18 Feb 14 oleh anggota: BuffyBear
First off you don't have to rub in the 73 degree weather. lol. That would suck to have the whole inspection thing.Thank goodness its done. 
18 Feb 14 oleh anggota: rockytu
Sounds like you had a good day and I am happy about that. 
18 Feb 14 oleh anggota: LadyBea40
Buffy, I just wish I had better coping skills for both items! 
20 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
OK, Rocky....I won't mention that we've had 3 days in a row of 70+-degree weather. Yes ma'am, I'll just keep it to myself! LOL! 
20 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Thanks for stopping by LadyBea. Seems like we both get our exercise walking dogs. Of course, neither of mine approach the weight of Thor, although, together, they might. Either way, dogs can certainly give us a good workout. Hope you're having a good day and congrat's on your weight loss thus far....you're doing great! 
20 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701


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