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Still riding the weather roller coaster in Florida...one day freezing, the next, it's in the 60's and I'm eyeing my shorts.

My WOE continues to frustrate me....just when I think I'm solid and moving along, I get too hungry one day and - POOF! - can't seem to snarf up enough food. What in the world is up with that?

Am I spending too much time thinking about all this? Am I not concentrating enough? What IS going on with me? In late March I'll have been on this WOE for 4 years....you'd think it would be smooth sailing at this point. All I know right now is that it's taking a whole lot of mental effort to go nowhere.

I'm not blowing my plan with off-plan stuff, just too many "legal" items. I think I need to go on Survivor where I'd be lucky to have some fish and coconut milk - LOL!

On the plus side these days: DH bought me "iPad for Dummies" which is actually very much appreciated, after he gave me an iPad for Christmas.
My Collie guy appears to be handling his heartworm medication change very well....the previous med (also a new one begun this fall)had made him so lethargic for so many hours in December, I was very close to taking him to the vet!
My tax preparation is coming along nicely.
My second cold of the season, while still hanging around, is on its way out!
We have a new grocery store in town and I'm ECSTATIC!! Many of the unique, low-carb-friendly products, that I used to have to travel all over to find, are being carried by this store. And....this store is actually within reasonable walking distance of my home.

Lihat Kalender Diet, 06 Februari 2014:
1881 kkal Latihan: Stairmaster, 30 min., manual, 2-3-2 - 30 menit, Istirahat - 15 jam dan 30 menit, Tidur - 8 jam. lagi...

Love that word: "snarf"!!!! 
06 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Suzy May Blackfly
Love your "one the plus side" list. A grocery store like that is worth its weight in gold. As for your frustration, please don't get mad but I offer the same comment. Try the 16:8. I used to have a horrible out of control appetite, but after my first 3 days of committing to the 16:8, it is now under submission. For the first time in my life I can honestly say I feel full and satisfied!  
06 Feb 14 oleh anggota: BuffyBear
Hang in there... I have the same challenge as you... but I found it is not my foods that are the solution... but the amount of exercise I am getting. For me to really see the scale go down, I have to keep up the exercise bit. Right now I am not being consistent in doing my hour per day. Just don't give up! 
06 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Sbrit405
I love walking to my grocery - they don't carry as much as the bigger stores and it's helped me eliminate some of the choices I was making just because they were 'there'. I'd eat more 'food' because it was new and healthy - or as you call it 'legal' ... I dunno, just had to find the connection in my head.  
06 Feb 14 oleh anggota: FullaBella
Great news of the new low carb grocery store. That helps so much. IPAD for DUmmies. I need that. My problem is I can't update anything on mine. It just won't load. Our wifi signals out here are bad. Almost all the apps I loaded up don't work cause they won't update. I wasted some money buying this I do believe. I agree with Buffy. The 16:8 helped me so much get myself more focused. 
06 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Mom2Boxers
Hi Suzy. "Snarf "is one of those words that sounds like its definition....I know there's a word for that too, but it escapes me at the moment. :) 
06 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Buffy, maybe I can spend some time on the iPad tonight and get some more info on the 16:8, although maybe that's all I need to know....don't know. ANYTHING - well, almost anything - to help at this point is what I need to do. :) 
06 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Sbrit...thanks for stopping by. For me, exercise helped in the early stages, but now I think it's just a mood-enhancer for me, as I can tell the difference if I don't do something. Definitely not giving up....have come way too far for that! Thanks for the encouragement.  
06 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Bella, let's hope I can find those missing connections....and SOON! 
06 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
Sandy, my big issue on the iPad is overall security. Nothing is 100% but I'm not sure I'm ready to put my life on Apple servers (iCloud)! I just need to take my time and work out some acceptable compromises. Although by the time I'll have figured this out, I'll be 4 generations behind!!! LOL!! 
06 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
06 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Mom2Boxers
Hi, almost 4 years on this plan, eh? Me too, though more likely 3. I don't know what's up with that hun, I'm the same. I know what to do and do it most of the time but it is a struggle at times and the weight sure don't drop like it used to. But it is what it is. You may not be exactly where you want to be in terms of weight but you must be healthier and you must be eating better and those are all great things. Glad your collie is doing well. Let me know if that book is helping. I bought myself an iPad mini and I am sure I could do more with it than what I'm doing. Maybe I'll treat myself to that book when on my Florida trip. I sure hope it warms up soon. Though anything about 15 celcius would look to me right now. 
07 Feb 14 oleh anggota: sarahsmum
Hey Sandy, I can tell you are a little frustrated with thinking "this WOE" should be easier somehow. I get caught up in that too. Also in the cycle of doing really good for a few days & then the hunger/munch monster attacks. Sooo, what are we really saying...that we are NOT perfect as we would like to be. I know how I got fat, I remember being totally out of control & not being able to control the days/weeks/months of pizza/bakery/potatoes & all that fun stuff that made me miserable. This WOE has set me free. Free to make mistakes too. Learning how to live life & maintain within a reasonable level our weight is no easy task. I expect for myself to have to stay on guard for the rest of my life. Atkins gives me the tools to do that. Has it been 3 years for me too? WOW, it has been a great ride, think back to where we started, how we ate, how we thought, and how we felt. BIG difference in myself, that is true. I think for you too.  
07 Feb 14 oleh anggota: gg-girl
Issy, I TOTALLY recommend the book plus another one, "iPad: The Missing Manual." For someone who has never had one of these gadgets (no iPhone or any other smartphone, either) I NEED the basics! On the other front.....yes, I can certainly say I'm in much better shape than I was back in 2010. Maybe I'll do a journal entry closer to my "anniversary" on all the things that have changed for the better. 
07 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701
GG, it HAS been a major change, probably one of the biggest in my life. Starting out 4 years ago, I had a lukewarm level of commitment and absolutely could not face my weight loss target in total. When starting out, who wants to face that many pounds to lose???? And, you know it's not going to happen in 2 weeks, or even a month, no matter how much we'd like it to go that fast. I confess...your point about perfection hit the nail on the head. I have been guilty of expecting that once I hit goal, I should have been able to stay right there despite life's unexpected challenges. I, too, will need to stay on guard the rest of my life and that's OK. I'm willing to pay that price for a life at a normal weight and all the benefits that brings. 
07 Feb 14 oleh anggota: Sandy701


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