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No damage yet from the fallout the other night. Thank goodness. I think I escaped that one. Still....I can't help but think that I would have LOST a little had I not been so bad. Oh well. Can't fix the past, now can I?

I ended up eating pizza last night at work - sans crust. Yummy. I need to get in more veggies today. I haven't been very good about that the last few days. I'm making chicken and dumplings for the family tonight. Its one of my favorites. I take out my portion before I add the dumplings - it is so good.

School work is calling. Have a great Sunday all!!


2 ounces brie cheese = 2C

1/2 wrap veggies sandwich with veggies and cheese and ranch dressing = 6C

goulash - made with dreamfields maccaroni = 10C


My brother made goulash...so the chicken and dumplings will have to wait until tomorrow!! It was nice to have maccaroni.

This diet is hard to follow - but it works. I've been on induction since before New Year's - haven't really cheated. I've been eating almonds to keep my calorie count up, but I'm out of them now. I'm lucky I don't live with anyone else like you do. It must be difficult for all of you with families who aren't following this. Especially when they order pizza, or get french fries, etc. I don't know how you all do it! :) Glenn 
18 Jan 09 oleh anggota: GlennM
Thats good that you didn't gain after having an off day. Chicken and dumplings...MMMM! One of my favorites! 
18 Jan 09 oleh anggota: teeoh
Great job! I'm happy for you that you are still at your recent low. Keep it up. :) 
18 Jan 09 oleh anggota: sararay
My family generally eats what I do, Glenn!! Because I cook for them!! ha! The pizza problem is at work - we get free pizza and it is so good. But its not an issue as long as I only eat the toppings!!! Sometimes that's really hard!!! :) 
18 Jan 09 oleh anggota: Paige E


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