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Jurnal RubyRedSox, 22 Okt 10

My BG was 107 this morning. It looks like the cold and damp is "here." My body is hurting all over. A hot tub sounds reeeeeeally good right now lol. I have enough money left over from the estate sale that I decided to treat myself and made an appointment for monday to have a perm and a cut. I want to look nice for my mom's memorial.

The ladies of the Royal Neighbors, the Rebeccas and a few of mom's neighbors have been very helpful in helping me with this. Thank goodness!! I couldn't have managed setting this up. I'm so burnt out. We have it set to be held at the senior center of which, mom was very active there.

Of course, now that the "hectic" part is over I'm really starting to feel the grief. I didn't have time before. I just had too much to do. Please bear with me. The holidays are coming up. I'm sitting here feeling like I'm whining. The only thing I can do now is let it run it's course and find something positive to do the best I can. Speaking of which, does anyone here crochet? I'm going to have to get a beginners book as my mom left me a ton of yarn <smiles>


Lihat Kalender Diet, 22 Oktober 2010:
1466 kkal Lemak: 104,60g | Prot: 95,00g | Karb: 35,22g.   Makan Pagi: heavy cream. Makan Siang: milk, bacon fat, cabbage, egg. Makan Malam: Mayonnaise Dressing with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, cheese, tomato, egg, bacon, green pepper, Scarlet Dragon BBQ Flavored Pork. lagi...
2233 kkal Latihan: Istirahat - 11 jam dan 30 menit, Pekerjaan Rumah Tangga - 1 jam, Peregangan (Yoga) - 30 menit, Tidur - 8 jam, Kerjaan Kantoran (Dibalik Meja) - 3 jam. lagi...

When my mom died I felt a warmth around my heart, did you feel it? All the emotion and surges one feels, the greif is so intense and you know your life will never be the same. I'm taking that energy and using it to celebrate my Mother, to live the life she would have wanted me to live. My 11 year old crochets and that would be a wonderful way for you to celebrate your mother as you put your time and energy into making beautiful crocheted items in honor of your Mom. Keep with us here, and surround yourself with inspirational positive people. You can do this Ruby:) With Love, Lisa, TOWANDA!!!!!  
23 Okt 10 oleh anggota: Lisa Online
P.S., I am happy you are treating yourself to the perm and haircut and keep us up to date about your dear Mother's Memorial. I am going to post my story that I wrote 11 years ago on my Mom's anniversary of death. You may really wonder about me after you read my story this November 13th but please stop by my journal as I want to share my special experience with you. TOWANDA!!!  
23 Okt 10 oleh anggota: Lisa Online
Thanks soooo much Lisa! I understand and I very much want to read your story. And yes, I do feel a "warmth" amongst the loss. You're so intuitive, Lisa. I could've sold or gave away all the yarn.. but I didn't. I'm looking to crochet, hats, scarves and I'd also like to make shawls. Gloves are a great idea but my eyes and hands are so bad I can't manage the smaller hooks not to mention I'm sure they are much more complicated. Most of the yarn I have are pastels. For myself, I prefer more deep dramatic colors, dark earthy tones and bright crayola colors best. We have kind of a holiday "yard" sale here at my complex every year. I'd like to have some things to put out for next winter:) {{{hugs}}} 
23 Okt 10 oleh anggota: RubyRedSox
I'm with you on color choices but what beautiful baby items or shawls for a elder in a home you can make with the soft pastels. One thing I enjoy doing but this idea didn't occur to me until 5 years after my Mother's passing is do something special for someone on her birthday which is 10/10. This year I made a donation to one of our F.S. Buddies for their first marathon run, last year I looked up a Girl Scout leader and wrote her a note of thanks and gave her a bouquet of flowers. Doing things such as this brings a positive to the day as I do miss her but I am doing something special in her honor. The holidays are rough but there are ways to get through them with expession of love rather than despair. TTYL...with love, Lisa, TOWANDA!!!!  
24 Okt 10 oleh anggota: Lisa Online
Thanks for the great ideas Lisa!! 
25 Okt 10 oleh anggota: RubyRedSox


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