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Jurnal girlygirlatheart, 08 Okt 08

Okay, so lately, I have been eating very, very well and very little.
Infact.... I think I have been eating too little :[
Because I've done so good on my diet and have had hardly ANY results!!!
I go through bad-ass plateaus and get stuck a lot
And i have never had the ever-infamous plateau! grrrrrr
So i up the exercise and decrease my food intake.
And i have heard that doing that will actually foil my weightloss intentions.
so today, i am going to eat like i have been everyday... but i am going to see how many calories i am taking in.
If i am not taking enough in, I probably need to eat more fruits and vegetables. Thats always difficult though when you dont know the exact calories of things like a piece of fruit. I have found a site that is pretty helpful, though
Its pretty cool
So i'm gonna try to do my best at keeping track. Its annoying already though :[

Kashi Cereal + Milk= 250
Banana= 90

A half a Protein bar= 90

1 cup of red grapes= 100

Sub way six inch turkey sub with avocado= 380

total for today: 910

I know that I eat less on days I work out. I usually try to eat every two to four hours everyday. But working out messes with that schedule, and it puts off my appetite.

I have set a goal for myself- to be down to 170 or lower by halloween! My reward is I get to have some candy or a pumpkin spice frappucino, and dye my hair a couple days before.
I'm also really excited about being so close to my goal because once I reach it am going to buy some new clothes! none of mine fit me right now. Its really annoying, but it feels good too. I'm curious to know what size i will be.

Make the most of today everyone <3


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