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Just when I thought the drama was done in my life....we now have flooding in my town. Spent the day sandbagging with my brother. I'm thinking of going back out tonight, but don't know if I have the energy. Our house is fine. We don't live anywhere near a creek or a river. But many of our friends are battling the elements. They have evacuated two entire towns near us because they can't stop it. A whole section of my town is being evacuated tonight. A friends house already has water up to the windows. It's bad. We are setting records. Luckily the city updated an extensive levee system after the 93 flood, so our historical district and the downtown will be fine - as well as a lot of neighborhoods. Nonetheless, many people and businesses are getting hit.

I don't think I will be journalling my food - and I definitely think I've had enough exercise.

Paige, our hearts and prayers go out to everyone affected! You are a wonderful person to help others so much. That's the best of America! We love you! 
09 Jun 08 oleh anggota: gramnbear
i am so sorry to hear about this! I hope everyone and everything is okay! 
09 Jun 08 oleh anggota: Leah22
I will keep you and your town in my thoughts and prayers! 
09 Jun 08 oleh anggota: wannabeskinee
You and yours are in my prayers, you take care and I hope everyone remains safe even if a "little" wet. 
09 Jun 08 oleh anggota: dwhummers
Crazy weather! Hope things get better soon!  
09 Jun 08 oleh anggota: mbhpro
Take care of yourself as you are helping others. God bless you all. 
09 Jun 08 oleh anggota: juanab
Not good. I will be thinking and praying for ya'll. 
10 Jun 08 oleh anggota: kimbulie
My thoughts and prayers are with you! I hope you see better days real soon. 
10 Jun 08 oleh anggota: lorik
Ditto on all the hugs, prayers, thoughts, and sending of peace your way! 
11 Jun 08 oleh anggota: BadAndee
lighting a candle with the many other good wishes and prayers here.. look after yourself also please. 
11 Jun 08 oleh anggota: dave22


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