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Bad, bad girl today. I will be back on track tomorrow. In fact, I'm already drinking a lot of water to try to flush the bad stuff out of my system.

Have I mentioned lately that I love this diet?? Even when I have a bad day (like today!!!), I can't wait to get back on track. And I'm a little mad at myself for going so overboard - because I feel like crap. One small overboard on an item would have been enough. But I had to try EVERYTHING - and now I'm paying.

I guess that's a good thing in all honesty. i mean, I don't want to go back to this way of eating, where I'm bloated and feeling like crap after a good meal. If I would have had the ribs without the bbq sauce, the deviled eggs, the seven layer salad AND THEN had a small slice of my oh-so-wonderful bread pudding, I would have felt bad, but it wouldn't have made me feel so sluggish. Instead I had to try the potato salad, the coleslaw (that I know was made with sugar), the apple salad, the bbq sauce on the ribs AND THEN FINISH off with the bread pudding. And now I have a headache, my belly hurts and I'm bloated.

I am learning....and what I learned is that it isn't worth it. I don't want to eat like that, because I don't want to feel that way!

ahhhh... I had a bad day too! We will both get back on track tomorrow.. and tomorrow is Induction day 1 for me. I know how you feel with the eating too much and feeling like crap... I feel the same way right now! Good luck on tomorrow... have a great night! 
11 Mei 08 oleh anggota: Leah22
I'm joining your party too! I had a bad day also. Was feeling down so I ate and now I feel terrible about it...not physically but mentally. So tomorrow, we're back on track!!! Let's do it! 
12 Mei 08 oleh anggota: mbhpro
I 'COULD' stand with hand on hips, legs apart, with a tut and a tsk... but somehow I just CAN'T shake the thought of the bead pudding... grins.. Isint that feeling of beng bloated the VERY best reminder of how good it is to be eating the right stuff.. thats why a laspe is never fatal once the general trend is in the right direction... am right there with ya in starting afresh today... lets kick some posteria! 
12 Mei 08 oleh anggota: dave22
We seem to have had similar learning experiences this weekend. You wanna join the re-induction club! Leah, MB, Dave, Lori?? Anyone else?? We'll all get back on the bandwagon now and forget any of this ever happened.  
12 Mei 08 oleh anggota: sararay


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