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Jurnal girlygirlatheart, 22 Apr 08

Well, last night I ate some pasta that I really shouldnt have... I know that I can't totally deprive myself of things I love [and I love ooey-gooey cheese on pasta, with chicken] Curse you, Pizza Hut. I swore up and down that when my mother ordered it, i wouldnt succumb to having some. But there was really nothing substancial in my house for me to eat for dinner. [excuses, excuses... *grumble grumble*] So late last night I decided to have some.
And even though I didnt over-eat, i learned my lesson. My stomach just cant handle things like that anymore after about a month of eating healthy food.
I really hate whole-milk cheese. My stomach is still feeling its god-forsaken wrath. "Never again," i tell myself everytime I feel like I am having a train run through a tunnel in my insides.
Anyways, Today is an A day [exercise day, B days are for resting.]
But i have all these errands i need to run. It takes me almost 90 mins do to my whole rutine [an hour on the tredmil, and then stretches, crunches, and strength resistants stuff] and I never seem to have enough time.
I feel better when I get up in the morning, get exercising "out of the way" and then take a shower.
Buuuttttt, i am not so eager to get up early [before everyone else in my house is up, and having me run errands or what-not]
This whole exercise thing is very time consuming.
Any suggestions for a quick work out when i am crunched for time?
Meh, I really cant complain.
Today, I put on my size 24 pants from this time last year. Its so hard to believe these badboys fit me skin-tight back then. I mean, seriously, I was this big? Ugh, i feel both disgusted, and releived that I am not that big anymore
Be positive :D

I feel your pain! I feel as if I NEVER have time anymore. I do, however, try to set my alarm clock an hour and a half earlier so that I can get up and get on the treadmill before getting my shower, getting two kids up for school, fixing breakfast, taking the kids to school, running errands, cleaning house, getting my hubby up for work, fixing HIS lunch, fixing my toddler's lunch and getting his bath.... all before I head back to school... if you think that's bad.. you should hear my "second" half of the day! I won't bore you w/ details though, LOL. It's hard to pass on good lookin' food, I KNOW!! I try and use that excuse too about not having anything else in the house... Oh well, it's all a part of trying to be healthier I guess. If it were "that" easy... no one would have weight issues. Good Luck!!!! 
22 Apr 08 oleh anggota: lorik
Hi girlie.Well, firstly let me tell you that I have been dieting and excersing now for about a month and a half now, and Im only down 2.5 pounds.HOWEVER My work clothes and other clothes have been WAY LOOSER on me and I AM SO HAPPY FOR THIS! Just remember whats important is that no matter how small you see that scale move, it makes a big difference that you are trying and you should NEVER give up.This is going to be your life.Eating healthy is THE way to go and physical activity is a must.So dont be discouraged about the number darling, muscle weighs more than fat so you have lost inches and thats important, just keep goin and you will eventually see the results.  
23 Apr 08 oleh anggota: prettygirl


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