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Trying to find my sanity as a have a baby who won't sleep for the third night in a row and 3 kids that are going to wake up in a hour.. I'm going on 7hrs of solid sleep over the last 3 days.. I'm frustrated, cranky, and feel alone. 😩

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We Moms will make it ! Praying that your family will always appreciate everything you do Get Well Soon kids !!! Nap times are for moms too 💤💤💤🌸🌷🌼 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: gsn fan
PS you are not alone We are here for you 🤗 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: gsn fan
Hi. I can feel your stress and your anxiety. We had 5 children in 4 years! One boy and then two sets of twins. After that we had one more, but we spaced him a little farther off! They're all in their 30s now (one is 40 now) and having children of their own. But it was a tough slog for several years even with the help of our parents and a nanny. So I can empathize with you completely. All I can say is that "this too shall pass" and you know what, it's good for your husband and the kids to be so involved, so try not to feel guilty. Is there anyone, a grandparent, a retired neighbor, anyone at all who can give you a bit of a break during the day when you can catch an hour of sleep. Being sleep deprived is not good for your diet or your general health. I don't know what else I can say except try to keep your head up and know that it gets better. I revel in the fact that I've 14 grandchildren and I love to enjoy them and then give them back to their parents and I can get to go home. lol 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: Bloste
You are not alone girl. All us moms have been there.❣️ 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: Khbutler
Thinking of you... I’ve definitely been there! 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: anorthrup888
sorry to hear. been there. dont know the issue but getting a sleep training book for babies might help. all my kids, 6, 4, 11months sleep 11 to 12 hours.  
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: emma103117
Gosh that sounds soooo hard! Hoping you can get some rest soon! 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: jengetfit123
not alone. I'm in the middle of it too. ask a friend to come help, let you take a nap or just rest.  
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: dez_e_ray
My heart goes out to you. My daughter had a 'spirited child' otherwise known as a child with a giant will from birth and who slept barely at all. She was sleep deprived for almost 7 years. It took its toll. She moved back to our area to get grandparent help from us and her in laws. Today my darling granddaughter is 13 and a lovely young lady! I agree with Bloste -- figure out someone(s) who can give you a hand minding the kids so you can get a bit of sleep. Maybe someone to come in the mornings?? So you can sleep in a bit? 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: 59Carol
Been there, done that. 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: Kenna Morton
Benadryl works!! 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: srossca
You need someone to sit and talk with, call a friend or relative and ask them to come over. Don't try to be super mom. Reach out beyond social media. Blessings.  
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: adamevegod1
I hope you can get someone to help! 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: abbadabba
Highly dangerous to give Benadryl to children under 12 without instruction from a doctor, just saying. 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: abbadabba
Under 2 i mean 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: abbadabba
generally that is something wrong with what the baby is eating or drinking if it is not teething. as a child I was a headache too as the formula did not agree with me and they had to give me soy milk formula. that is all they had back then. I don't know what they do now a days when babies don't do well on regular formula.  
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: baskington
Sorry to hear that you are sleep deprived. it makes one irritable, can't give any advise on what to do for the baby but I do not agree with benadryl. Wow I pray baby calms down and you both can get some rest. 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: foxxy51
My oldest (40 years old) said he was exhausted with the newborn. Said she tires him out!! We countered with "and you think you and your brother didn't). He just kind of gave a blank stare...Try to find a group that also has small ones and maybe you can get a rest.. 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: clay pot baker
I feel you. Nothing worse than no sleep. Don’t try to eat to get your energy though because it’ll make things worse! Just take it one moment at a time. The worst part is trying to get to sleep when the kids are asleep and your clock is all messed up. Might I say just some melatonin? 
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: NOLAMOMMY
I have been there and I hope you find relief soon! I have 4 kids all close in age and it has definitely been a challenge.  
17 Okt 18 oleh anggota: loveshope26


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